We are a network
Multiple times per year, AER brings together regions, so that they may stand stronger together, and grow in a space of best practice exchange.

- This event has passed.
2023 AER General Assembly in Barcelona
27 June 2023 08:00 - 30 June 2023 17:00

The Assembly of European Regions was glad to have the General Assembly 2023 ON-SITE in Barcelona from the 28th to 30th June, hosted by the member region of Catalonia.
The General Assembly was part of the Summer Symposium, a three-day event about the challenges and opportunities of European regions enabling members to reconnect and revive their pan-European network.
The event took place at the World Trade Center Barcelona (click here to check the venue on Maps).
Read here our wrap-up article.
Draft Programme of the Summer Symposium
Click here to read the draft detailed programme.
28 June 2023 – 12.00 – 17:00
Study Visit to the Port of Barcelona & WG on Green Hydrogen
This study visit was organised in the context of the AER Working Group on Hydrogen chaired by AER VP for Sustainability,
Environment & Climate Albert Castellanos.
- Hydrogen Valley of Catalonia
- Energy Transition Plan in Port of Barcelona: towards Decarbonization
- The green gateway: Hamburg port’s sustainable energy hub
28 June 2023 – 15.30 – 17:00
Ukraine Focus Group
29 June 2023 – 09:30-13:30
● Anna Carin Krokstäde – Deputy Head, Ukraine Division, European External Action Service (EEAS)
● Jozef Michálek, Programme Manager of INTERREG funds, DG REGIO, European Commission
● Frederic Subirats Villa, Manager International Strategy, Catalonia Trade and Investment, Government of Catalonia (Presentation HERE)
● Salvador Mestre Gispert, Policy Officer for Europe [on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Action of the Government of Catalonia]
Bureau Meeting
The AER Summer Bureau Meeting took place in Barcelona on 29 June.
The Bureau defined positions on key AER action areas that will guide our advocacy work for 2023 – 2024 and will be joined by institutional representatives and other stakeholders to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing regions in the future of work, and the role local and regional authorities can play in delivering a brighter future of jobs and skills in Europe.
Please find the draft agenda HERE.
Direct links:
Bureau Debate “Next Generation Skills: Regions shaping the Future of Work”
Conversations about what the work landscape will look like in the future are happening around the world. As Europe recovers from the impacts of the Covid-19 crisis and seizes the opportunities of the green and digital transition to build a more prosperous, greener and fairer economy, this debate, organised in the framework of the European Year of Skills, will explore the challenges and opportunities that regions face in adapting to the changing nature of work, and how they can best prepare for the future.
- Lilijana Madjar, Chair AER Task Force on Future of Work and AER Vice President for Cohesion, Digitalisation and Public Services
- Patrick Daru, Head of Operations, Global Programme on Skills and Lifelong Learning, International Labour Organization
- Kristine Langenbucher, Head of the Employment and Skills Unit, Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (Presentation here)
- Andrea Glorioso, Policy Officer, Future of Work, Digitalisation, Robotisation, Automatisation and Impact on Labour Markets, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission
- Tània Verge Mestre, Minister for Equality and Feminisms of the Government of Catalonia
Further information on the debate can be found HERE.
30 June 2023 – 11:15-13:45
General Assembly
The AER General Assembly took place on 30 June 2023 from 11.15 to 13.45.
Practical Info
Info Package_Summer SymposiumPlease find the downloadable version HERE.
In case of questions please contact Barbara Polin, Communications and Events Manager, at [email protected] and Laura Bassan, Communications and Events Assistant at [email protected].
Draft_Overview AER General Assembly+ Bureau Meeting_Summer Symposium_27-30.06.2023.docx