Innovation procurement can drive the R&D and deployment of innovative solutions from the demand side through respectively pre-commercial procurement (PCP) and public procurement of innovative solutions (PPI). This can speed up public sector modernisation and open new market opportunities for companies in Europe. Coordination and support actions typically support procurers to investigate the feasibility and prepare the ground to start new PCPs or PPIs. PCP and PPI Cofund actions co-finance an actual PCP or PPI procurement (one single joint PCP or PPI call for tenders per action) plus additional coordination and networking activities related to the procurement.
A total budget of circa €130 million is available for EU funding for PCP and PPI projects across the different 2016-17 Horizon 2020 work programmes.
Calls for PCP/PPI actions with deadlines in 2016:
– ICTs for elderly care (PM-13: 10,5M€, PPIs, deadline 16 February 2016)
– e-health (PM-12: 18M€, PCPs, deadline 16 February 2016)
– earth observation (EO-2: 3M€, PCPs, deadline 3 March 2016)
– ICT based solutions in any area of public interest (ICT-34: 4M€, PCPs, deadline 12 April 2016)
For more information: Digital agenda for Europe
Horizon 2020 participation portal