EU-Belong will organise its second Knowledge Transfer event in Donegal (IE), “Intercultural Integration:
A Shared Journey towards Equality and Belonging” on the occasion of the One Donegal Social Inclusion Week.
EU-Belong, an AMIF-funded project led by the AER and gathering 11 regions, is pioneering inclusion by using an intercultural approach to innovate policies and practices. The One Donegal Social Inclusion Week is an opportunity for this large international consortium of regions to dive deep into practices that foster a shared sense of belonging among people who live, work, create, and pay taxes in cities and regions.
A Countywide Initiative for Diversity and Inclusion
From March 17th to 24th, 2024, County Donegal will host its Social Inclusion Week, a series of countywide events aimed at increasing awareness and understanding of inclusion and diversity. This initiative is coordinated by Donegal County Council and highlights the very positive work being done by the Council as well as other statutory and community organisations to improve equality and belonging in Donegal.
This year’s event will highlight cyber crime awareness with a focus on the 4 P’s: Password, Permissions, Payment, and Participants. Social inclusion encompasses positive actions to achieve equal access to goods and services, encourage participation in community and society, and challenge all forms of discrimination. By empowering marginalised individuals and those living in poverty to participate in decision-making processes, the week aims to improve their living standards and overall well-being.
The intercultural pathway towards Equality and Belonging
During Social Inclusion Week, EU-Belong will host two knowledge-sharing events on March 20 and 21, bringing together international experts, regional politicians and civil servants, professionals and volunteers engaged in creating intercultural societies. The idea behind these events is to:
- Learn about policies and practices
- Meet peers working on similar challenges
- Engage in mutual learning
- Showcase regional initiatives
Join Our Peer Learning Activities!
The AER and Catalonia are facilitating peer learning and cooperation on using an intercultural approach in sectoral policies through the EU-Belong Transfer Clusters. To learn more about implementing interculturalism across policy areas through multistakeholder collaboration and co-design, or to stay informed about EU-Belong’s activities, such as webinars and the development of pilots, register to the EU-Belong Newsletter.
EU-Belong is a 3-year project run by the Assembly of European Regions (AER) and 12 partners, and co-funded by the AMIF Programme of the European Union.