Krzyżowa (PL), 22 May 2009.
The second meeting of Assembly of European Regions’ (AER) Youth Regional Network (YRN) held in Krzyżowa, Lower Silesia region (PL) concluded today for the more than 50 youngsters coming from 27 European regions and 18 European countries. Aiming at “Shaping the future of Europe – on the eve of the parliamentary elections”, young members of the network elected Charlotte Kudé, from Ile-de-France region (F), as the network’s first president and adopted a strategic plan for 2009/2010.
While addressing the participants, Marek Lapinski, Marshal of Lower Silesia, “The YRN is a unique initiative, it unites young people and young societies of Europe. Thanks to this initiative the voice of young people, once marginalised, now is heard by older people. The challenges that Europe has to face in the future demand cooperation, the future of Europe depends on this”. This point was also stressed by Jacek Pilawa, representative of Dolnoslaskie Regional Assembly, who said that “there is a particular need in Europe of cooperation between young people and interregional connections. Young people from regions should exchange their best practices, and take advantage of this exchange to improve youth policies in their regions”.
During the meeting, a special focus was also put on a crucial topic: “Should the EU contribute to young entrepreneurs projects?”. Participants discussed and prepared a common position that will be submitted to the European institutions. The main ideas of the position are: the EU should support young entrepreneurs, but this help should be given under particular conditions evaluated by an ah hoc committee composed by EU representatives, business people, networks involved in the field, and representatives of the regions. The market is free but everybody needs to be treated equally, and receive not only financial support but also information.
As Stanislaw Longawa, Vice-President of Dolnoslaskie Regional Assembly, underlined during his speech, “one of the most important function of the EU is the subsidiary function. Young people need to be engaged in politics on the European and regional level”.