The AER working group on early school drop outs gathered on the occasion of the AER spring plenary meetings in Nordjylland (DK).
Sharing and connecting experiences
The working group on early school drop outs brings together regional policy makers to share challenges and tried solutions aimed at combatting early school leaving which is a growing severe problem in Europe. The meetings which are held on the occasion of plenary meetings provide the opportunity to engage new policy makers in Europe, which are not yet working on this issue. The meeting in Aalborg therefore was an excellent opportunity for dissemination of good practices and awareness raising on the topic of early school leaving.
A crucial problem
While young people are the future of the continent they seem to see less and less relevance in the education systems. The problem with early school drop outs however is that young people very often end up not having any qualification or experience they can use to find an employment or create their own enterprise. This situation threatens both economic development and social cohesion and more generally is a terrible waste of talents and opportunities for our society.
Mutual learning
The meeting of the working group on early school drop outs was organised in two parts:
1/ Prevention measures
2/ Intervention measures.
Laurent Duez (Alsace-FR) presented the good practice that has been implemented in his region together with the results and lessons learnt from an international conference on combating school dropout.
Ilona Novak (Västernorrland-SE) shared results of the Erasmus+ project JET CD Joint Efforts to Combat Dropout, which is closely linked to the AER working group and offers regions the possibility to deepen the cooperation around early school leaving while producing recommendations for policy making which are valid for all regions in Europe.
The first multiplier event took place in Catalunya and showed the first benefits of the multi-stakeholder approach developed in the framework of the project.
Photos of this series of events are available on the AER facebook page
Meeting Documents
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AER publication
A leaflet, presenting the different activities organised on the occasion of the AER spring plenary meetings, was produced after this event. It was widely distributed at AER events and meetings during the whole of 2015-2016. It is available in the AER Library and embedded below:
Joint Efforts to Combat School Dropouts Erasmus + project
AER 2015 Spring plenaries “Regional Strategies FOR and WITH citizens”
AER publication on the series of events “Regional Strategies FOR and WITH citizens”