Future artificial intelligence (AI) programs promise to alter our understanding and experiences with human culture. From the music, to language, to art, AI will play a more prominent role in human culture in the years to come. AER’s event Artificial Intelligence: Are Regions Up to The Challenge? will bring together field experts, academics, artists, politicians, and … [Read more...]
You will find in this section all the articles published in our news section on our home page.
Personalised Medicine: an Inspiring Debate!
On 7 November, the Permanent Representation of the Netherlands to the EU hosted an Oxford-style debate organised by POLITICO. Debaters argued around a crucial topic for EU policy makers and interested bodies such as AER: is personalised medicine the key to sustainable health care? The Framework In his introduction, Jan Kimpen, Chief Medical Officer from Philips, gave the … [Read more...]
The Nordic Region: from hourglass to hourglass, or to vase?
What is the status, what are the debates, what seems to happen, what should happen when it comes to regionalisation, multi-level governance and regional administrative reforms in the Nordic countries Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden? What could we need of further policy development, further research and development activities? There is a long tradition in all four … [Read more...]
Highlights from the AER Youth Regional Network’s Autumn Plenary Meeting!
On the 3-5 November in Brussels, the AER Youth Regional Network held its Autumn Plenary Meeting, with three days of discussions, experience exchange and decisions on some of the most topical issues regarding youth. The meeting outlined debates and reactions to the integration of young migrants, youth mobility and youth participation in sustainability. The Plenary kicked … [Read more...]
Sign the #CohesionAlliance declaration!
What is the Alliance? Currently worth one third of the EU budget, the EU's cohesion policy reduces regional disparities, creates jobs, opens new business opportunities and addresses major global issues such as climate change and migration. The #CohesionAlliance is a coalition of those who believe that EU cohesion policy must continue to be a pillar of the EU's future. The … [Read more...]
Skills and Competences in an AI era
In the next decade, it is a virtual certainty that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will begin to replace increasing numbers of labourers. The outsourcing of labour to machines will alter the skills and competencies which are valuable in a competitive labour market. At AER's event on Artificial Intelligence, speakers will address this topic, highlighting the challenges and … [Read more...]
Internship – Member relations Turkey (CLOSED)
Internship: how would you like to support our member relations with our Turkish member regions? Are you interested in interning in member relations for the largest independent political network of regions in Europe. We are looking for an intern to work with us in the AER Brussels office to support our membership for our Turkish members. NB: In order to apply, you must be … [Read more...]
Regionalisation in Belgium: “Risk of implosion of the Belgian state is existent” #RoR2017
Belgium became independent in 1830. Between 1970 and 1993, the country evolved into a more efficient federal structure. This occurred through six state reforms (in 1970, 1980, 1988-89, 1993, 2001 and 2014). As a result, today, the first Article of the Belgian constitution reads: “Belgium is a federal state, composed of communities and regions”. The leadership of the country … [Read more...]
Tips & tricks to make the most of the Policy Learning Platform
AER is involved in the Policy Learning Platform, but how can you take advantage of that? If you're not sure what that Policy Learning Platform is, read this before going on with the tips below. Two networks, multiple synergies AER and the Policy Learning Platform share common principles and reach out to similar target groups; both are involved in regional policy making and … [Read more...]
International Town Twinning Conference 22-23 November in Istanbul
Save the date 22-23 November Local/regional authorities in Turkey and EU member states are invited to join the International Town Twinning Conference which aims to create network and partnerships between local administrations from Turkey and the EU countries. The conference will be held 22-23 of November in Istanbul. The deadline for applications is 11th of November … [Read more...]
A platform for policy learning: what you need to know
If you're working in regional policy making or active somehow in the Interreg Europe programme, you will probably have heard of the Policy Learning Platform. Yes, another platform, another network but stay tuned, we are here to convince you that this one is worth taking a closer look at. AER has a long history of helping regional policy makers to learn from each others in … [Read more...]
Regionalisation in Armenia: improvements of local self-government needed
The Republic of Armenia is part of the Eastern Partnership, which is an initiative that enables closer political, economic and cultural relations among the EU, its member states and 6 eastern European partners. Armenia gained independence from the Soviet Union on 21 September 1991. For seventy years Armenia had been under Soviet rule, which had imposed the Soviet system of … [Read more...]
AER’s position on Catalonia/Spain
We urge all parties to proceed in an environment void of violence, where constructive exchanges can take place. … [Read more...]
A milestone in the Silver Economy Project: 2017 European Week of Regions and Cities
The AER and the SEED Consortium can only be proud of the great success of the workshop “An Alternative for the future: Silver Economy for cities and regions”! Through the framework of the European Week of Regions and Cities 2017 in Brussels, the workshop on October 10 attracted around 250 representatives from local and regional authorities, business and service providers, … [Read more...]
Decisions from the Eurodyssey Steering Committee in Sibenik-Knin (HR)
In their last meeting in Sibenik-Knin (HR) at the 2017 Eurodyssey Forum, the newly elected members of the Steering Committee took some strategic steps to continue the process of change and renewal for the programme. New procedures for better cooperation After the adoption of a new Statute at the AER General Assembly in May 2017, the Steering Committee has now adopted its … [Read more...]
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