The Commission is currently revising the Connecting Europe Facility for the next funding period as of 2020. Many AER members are involved in CEF projects. As you might know the CEF funding is closely linked to the TEN-T maps. For regions which are on the Comprehensive network, it is currently very difficult to get funding because most of the funding is allocated to the Core network. The TEN-T maps are not up for revision yet, but we can try to influence the way the budget is divided between the Core network and the Comprehensive network for the next funding period.
For this purpose, a paper has been written advocating for an increase in the CEF Transport budget for the Comprehensive network in the new EU Multi-annual Financial Framework. Please find attached the paper. It is important to get as many regions on board as possible to bring more weight to the paper. You are therefore invited to support the paper.
The Province of Flevoland supports this initiative and it is important that as many signatures as possible are collected for this – whether your region is located on the Core Network or on the Comprehensive network.
To sign the paper: we will just put all the logos of all the ‘signing’ regions on the paper. No actual signature is needed – please just answer this email and attach your logo to indicate your willingness to support the paper. This paper will be handed to the Commission during the TEN-T Days in Slovenia on 26 April 2018.
Please give your feedback before the 19th of April. If you have any query about the content of the paper you can get in touch with Rutger Schuitemaker: [email protected]
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