On 15 March 2016, the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina together with the Assembly of European Regions hosted the conference ‘Biomass: What are the best ways to use it?‘ in Novi Sad, Serbia. At the conference, Mr. Eise Spijker from Joint Implementation Network, the Netherlands; coordinator of the EU co-funded project BIOTEAM provided a presentation on:
‘The Cost-Effectiveness of Bio-Energy Support Schemes’ (download here).
The presentation included a number of key findings and insights on the design and impact of bioenergy support schemes developed within the BIOTEAM project. To get a full overview of the EU BIOTEAM project, please have a look at our special issue BIOTEAM Magazine. The Magazine was launched as a final product of the BIOTEAM project.
The BIOTEAM Magazine provides an overview of all key activities, results, findings, reports and presentations developed by the consortium partners within the course of this three-year project.