AER President, Dr. Hande Özsan Bozatli, alongside the President of the AER Commitee on Education, Culture and Youth, Mrs. Sonja A Steen, her Director of International Office, Mr. Eirik Fiva and AER Secretary General, Mr. Mathieu Mori, spent last week visiting nine Regioni in Northern Italy with the aim of both strengthening the existing links between the AER and its members (Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Trentino-Alto Adige), and introducing the AER to five non-member regions (Emilia-Romagna, Lombardy, Marche, Piedmont and Veneto), as well as to two Autonomous Provinces (South Tyrol and Trentino).
After five days of enriching discussions around the priorities of the regions, their approaches to different topics, their needs in terms of building and enhancing cooperation channels and their new ways of working, as well as ours, we are certain that the outcomes of this field trip have been very positive to all parties involved.
Members of the AER are enthusiastic about exploring new paths towards cooperation in the frame of the upcoming challenges set in the working agenda, while non-members have been invited to take part in future events to see concretely what we do, and to meet current members hoping that they will soon actively contribute to our work, while reaching their goals and enhancing the Southern European Representation in the AER.
This trip to the welcoming Northern Italy was a very valuable opportunity to understand the reality of our territories from a closer perspective in order for us to better provide for their integral development.