In order to raise the profile of AER’s interest in regional airports and to join forces with other stakeholders advocating the same cause, AER signed a partnership agreement with Airport Council International Europe (ACI Europe) during their annual General Assembly, taking place in Istanbul, 11-12th of June 2013.
Stemming from this cooperation, AER published together with ACI Europe a press release on the European Commission’s proposed new Guidelines on State aid to airports and airlines, commenting on the negative consequences of these rules to regional development. Both organisations are keen to show the Commission that these guidelines will not contribute to growth and jobs, if the regional dimension and airport interests are not taken into consideration.
ACI EUROPE is the voice of Europe’s airports, representing over 450 airports in 44 European countries. It develops standards, policies and recommended practices for airports, and provides information and training opportunities to raise standards around the world. Together with AER, ACI Europe ensures that the European Commission’s proposals are in line with the AER member regions’ wishes for their airports and their territorial development.