The 2016 Youth Regional Network spring plenary meeting that took place in Oppland (NO) from 30 April to 2 May proposed an ambitious programme. First, during the opening session, the welcome words were followed by the announcement of the Regional Innovation Award, to then yield the floor to the introduction of a very important topic in the European agenda, keynote in this event: the circular economy. In this framework, the RMC-Covenant Circular Economy gave a presentation that aims at providing a general overview on this matter, its potential and issues at stake. Oppland, the host region, presented and shared its good practices in the field which was followed by an open debate.
Most importantly, YRN members prepared their moderation of the AER Spring 2016 Bureau (22-24 June, Nordland-NO), an event that will focus on the ways technology helps innovation in democracy, highlighting the disruptive nature of technology and the need to renew existing models. Afterwards, YRN members will also be responsible for organizing and facilitating a workshop during the 2016 Summer Academy on youth entrepreneurship.
Further discussions took place in the four YRN committees in search of the exchange on the issues brought forward by the members. The topic of migrants was been put on the table for dialogues. Finally the elections of the new presidium took place on 2 May, which will thus be the YRN General Assembly.
For further information, go to the YRN plenary event’s page