AER Youth Regional Network Statement Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity – Equal rights for all
The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union states explicitly in Article 21 that “Any discrimination based on any grounds such as sex, race (…) or sexual orientation shall be prohibited”. Also the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms statethat all human beings are equal in dignity and rights. They also state that all human beings are equal before the law, and that nobody shall be discriminated for any reason. Still, LGBTI1 people are discriminated in many ways today in Europe. From laws on punishment for expressing homosexuality, not being able to marry the one you love, not being recognized in law as a couple or family in some European countries, not being able to adopt children, not being allowed to donate blood – to hate crimes, discrimination in career life and being denied the right to freedom of assemblies. By some, homosexuality is considered a disease. In addition LGBTI people often meet many prejudices among people in their everyday life.
For these reasons, we want to raise these issues on all levels!
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