A new web platform, UrbanizeHub, was born this week, after months and months of development. One of his founder, Gratian Mihailescu, who is also an acknowledged expert from the AER’s Observatory on Regionalisation, tells us more about this brand new initiative and its main goals and purposes:
UrbanizeHub (UHub) is a global online start-up, an aggregator of ideas, opinions, projects and news about smart cities and sustainable urban development. Our purpose is that of creating a global community of responsible individuals, experts and specialists in various fields (designers, architects, scientists, etc.), all interested and involved in discussions around the evolution of cities. The platform is written in the English language, it has contributors from all over the world and is part of several global networks: the Erasmus Mundus Association, the Assembly of European Regions, and the Hive Global Leaders Program. What unites all the members and readers of this platform is a common belief that together, dedicated people are able to shape the design of cities.
Our platform is for dreamers, believers and achievers, and for all of those who think they can live in a better world. It is for smart people who like to think outside the box and believe in the future of sustainable urban development and technology.
UrbanizeHub was created as a result of our passion for the subjects we write about and of the need for solutions, ideas and sustainable projects for urban development. The platform is structured into several categories related to cities – Urban Regeneration, Future Cities, Waste Management, Renewable Energy, Projects and Cities. Another particularly interesting category is Community Ideas and Opinions, which will include specialist commentary on various urban issues. Global leaders and visionaries will write about cities and about what needs to be done for them to become more livable and friendly and provide the highest possible quality of life for their inhabitants.
In the medium term, UHub wants to become one of the global communication leaders when it comes to urban development, following the examples of websites like Citylab or Guardian Cities, two very well-known publications for those passionate about cities. The long-term plan for the platform is to create a global community, a Hub through which impactful actions and events can be organized in various areas around the world, as well as online.
The project has already been promoted in California (Silicon Valley), in Brussels at the European Commission level, as well as in other cities around the world, from South-East Asia to South America. Thanks to the networks it is a part of, its cosmopolitan team and contributing experts, as well as due to the way in which the information will be delivered, UHub can become a successful global start-up. UHub is a unique platform because of the complexity of the subjects it tackles and the multimedia approach to delivering all the information. The idea of a Hub and of a global community is built on the fact that the platform is open to everyone who is interested in these subjects – anyone can become a member by logging in with Facebook and contributing to the content of our platform.
For more details, follow UrbanizeHub on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/UrbanizeHub/ or Twitter https://twitter.com/UrbanizeHub, or go straight to the website: www.urbanizehub.com