Do you have a project idea but are looking for good partners to build a consortium and get Horizon 2020 funding? Do you have skills and capacity to offer but have not any project ideas to submit for funding?
Then the ERRIN Project Development Week is your chance!
What is it about?
After the success of the brokerage event on the green economy and innovation, we are this time proposing a new type of event in collaboration with ERRIN to stimulate project development: the Horizon 2020 Project Development Week. This 5-day event replaces the half day brokerage event on e-health initially foreseen. It will bring together over 400 different regional stakeholders around a series of selected EU calls to initiate project partnerships.
The aim is no other than to promote the exchange of knowledge in a wide range of relevant topics, such as health, energy, ICT, smart cities, opening science, blue innovative growth and transport, among others. Participants will therefore have the chance to share project ideas and innovative solutions as well as getting sound expert advices to submit successful proposals and thus get Horizon 2020 funding.
Four reasons to attend the event
By attending any of the proposed sessions within the ERRIN Project Development Week you will be able to:
- Obtain detailed information on the Horizon 2020 2018-2020 Work Programs;
- Expand your network, set up consortia, and build new partnerships;
- Get sound expert advices on concrete project ideas;
- Increase the chances to submit a successful proposal and be funded!
How to get involved?
The event is free of charge and open to everyone but participation is upon selection.
Have a look at the deadlines, consider the type of involvement, register on the website, and decide on how you can contribute to the sessions by contacting ERRIN at the following e-mail address: [email protected]
You can also contact them by phone dialing: +32 2 503 35 54
Save the dates!
Such event, which expects to bring together 400 participants to discuss about 60 project ideas in 8 sessions, will take place from 20th to 24th November at multiple venues in Brussels.
These events are open to your regional stakeholders, so do not hesitate to invite them to join and share project ideas!
Please, note that the deadline to register as a participant has been extended to October 30th.
And AER regions…
The AER, as a supporting partner of ERRIN in this event, would like to take the opportunity to invite all member regions either to engage in the different sessions or to present their proposals before the 20th of September. This event can provide regions with valuable inputs regarding EU research and innovation policy and can contribute significantly to helping them develop successful projects and thus raise their profile at the EU level.
Please, note that both deadlines (projects submission and participant registration) might be closed ahead due to capacity constraints.
Check the official website to get more info: http://www.errinh2020pdw.eu/node/35
Photo credits: @ERRIN http://www.errinh2020pdw.eu/node/35