On 12-15 June 2014, the AER Youth Regional Network (YRN) held its annual plenary meeting in the region of Jönköping (SE) on the important topic of Social Entrepreneurship. “Social Entrepreneurship is a combination of Education, Entrepreneurship and Social Responsibility, and social start-ups can make you have a happy life” stated Omar Aljuhani from the University of Manchester (GB). As for Hrvoje Kovac from Varazdinska zupanija (HR), he confirmed that needs for social enterprises do not have to be created as they already exist.
Furthermore, YRN members also got involved in workshops dedicated to the challenges and international perspective of youth social entrepreneurship, the situation of minorities and foreigners in Europe, or Silver economy as an intergenerational approach to enhance employment.
Finally, the representatives of the MYFER winner regions had the opportunity to introduce their projects to the audience.