If you’re working in regional policy making or active somehow in the Interreg Europe programme, you will probably have heard of the Policy Learning Platform. Yes, another platform, another network but stay tuned, we are here to convince you that this one is worth taking a closer look at.
AER has a long history of helping regional policy makers to learn from each others in order to innovate the public sector. This is done by exchanging experiences, learning form each other, joining forces to influence and initiate cooperation projects. AER provides the space where project ideas are generated, often in the framework of Interreg programmes, in fact AER as supported the development and been involved in dozens of projects. The Policy Learning Platform now builds on the wealth of good practices collected and expertise identified to boost policy learning between regions, especially those which have already been involved Interreg projects, to further innovate policy making.
AER has a vested interest in getting word of the platform out there because (a) our members are part of the core target audience and beneficiaries of the services that are provided and (b) AER is involved in the implementation of the platform services. The synergies and benefits are such that AER has invested resources and put our expertise at the service of the platform. So not only do we aim to convince you to join the platform community, but we can provide you with tips on how to be active and tap into the potential it offers.
First of all, the platform is not starting from scratch, but rather building on the existing Interreg Europe community; it is the second action of Interreg Europe. Its aim is to boost EU-wide policy learning and sharing of good practices in research and innovation, competitiveness of SMEs, low-carbon economy, or the environment and resource efficiency. The platform is a hub of knowledge and services for regional policy makers across Europe to learn from their peers and benefit from expert support. Joining the community will allow you to improve the effectiveness of your regional development policies and programmes.
What you need to remember: 4 policy learning topics…
… and 3+1 policy learning services
- Expert support: reach out to the experts to address challenges in your region and receive tailored support and advice.
- Community: join an expanding community of regional policy makers and practitioners sharing their stories and experiences to improve regional policies in their regions.
- Knowledge hub: access the latest developments on EU level and expert paper in our 4 thematic areas.
- Good practices: search the good practice database to view expert-validated experiences from peers testing solutions in other regions. Submit your good practices!
Other useful information
- Policy learning event in Milan on research and innovation and SME competitiveness
- Policy learning event in Seville on energy and resource efficiency
- Thematic workshops in Brussels (June 2017)