The AER General Assembly is one of the launching events of the fist European level Silver Economy Awards. AER is proud to be a partner of the SEED project, the promoter of this important initiative.
Silver Economy is on the AER priority list since years. Already AER and member regions addressed Silver Economy at the Training Academy in Aalborg in 2015 and more recently at the 2016 European Summit on Innovation for Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA), network in which eight AER member regions are active players.
SEED project powers the Silver Economy Awards
SEE project represents a good achievement for AER within the project side, having a big potential for the three Committees both in terms of content and activities. AER briefly presented the project at the last 2017 Spring Plenary now we would like to share with member regions more information being the time for the launching of its main activity: the Silver Economy Awards.
SEED is the acronym of “Supporting the recognition of the Silver Economy in Europe in the Digital era”, a successful project submitted under the Horizon 2020 programme, as Coordination and Support Action. Led by Empirica, SEED aims to put under the spot innovative solutions that show the prominence of the silver economy and the importance of the quality of life for the ageing population.
The nine partners of the consortium are engaged to design, organise and launch an innovative award scheme to finally give to silver economy the highest visibility possible at EU level.
The Silver Economy Awards has a long term vision as, once the two years project ends, the European Covenant of Demographic Change will assure the sustainability of the award itself.
The launch of the Silver Economy Awards: the stand at the General Assembly
The 2017 edition of the General Assembly is going to be an important milestone of the promotion of the award. AER took the opportunity of this important event for the AER network getting to know the process to apply and to promote the participation to the award among the member regions. AER wants member regions to submit all the great experiences they are carrying on to show how regional authorities and stakeholders are committed and innovative in this field. To put member regions in the best position to prepare a successful application, AER provides new format: not the usual presentation, but a stand. The Silver Economy Awards stand will be accessible to all the participants of the General Assembly during the two days of the event. Agnese Pantaloni – Coordinator for European projects and private partnerships, helped by Elin Berglie – Coordinator for member relations, will give you all the information about the Silver Economy Awards.
The must-to-know of the Silver Economy Awards
AER members are used to awards. The Regional Innovation Award is an an opportunity that no region want to miss. Following the 2016 Regional Innovation Award on circular economy, this time (2017) the Silver Economy Awards will replace the replaces the Regional Innovation Award.
Member regions will have even a broader visibility thank to the composition of the award stakeholders. Not only public authorities, but also non-for-profit and business organisations.
Save the dates: applications opens the 8th June and close the 15th Novembre 2017.
The award ceremony is planned in Brussels, in May 2018.
Check the website of the Silver Economy Awards and bring your questions to the stand!
If you are already looking for additional information, do not hesitate to contact the AER Secretariat!