Do you feel concern by energy matters? Do you have a project idea and want to exchange on it and find partners? Then this info day is for you!
What is this info day about?
The European Commission and the Innovation & Networks Executive Agency (INEA) are organising an Horizon 2020 Energy info day.
It will present upcoming Horizon 2020 funding opportunities for projects focusing on smart energy system and smart cities and communities. Various calls for proposals will be covered during this info day. The application and evaluation process will be presented, and some tips for writing a good proposal will be shared. Eventually, two funded projects will share their experience.
In parallel a brokerage event is organised. It targets professional with knowledge in the energy sector. This event is an opportunity to network and exchange with potential partners in these areas: smart citizen-centred energy system and Smart Cities and Communities.
Practical information
These two events will take place in Brussels on 5 October 2018.
Registrations are open for the Horizon 2020 Energy info day as well as for the brokerage event. Therefore, if you are interested by both events, you will need to register separately.
The number of places is limited, so register fast. You can register here to the Horizon 2020 Energy info day and at this link to the brokerage event.
Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash