The YRN elected their new Presidium at the plenary meeting in Oppland (NO) this weekend. Gloria Vitaly (Oppland-NO) President Lara Kvesic (Zagreb-HR) Svetlana Lanets (Kaliningrad-RU) Vice Presidents Branimir Culina (Zagreb-HR) Treasurer Katalin Arany (Csongrad-HU) Luka Bogdan (Zagreb-HR) Jurica Jug (Zagreb-HR) Lara Kvesic (Zagreb-HR) Heads of Committes Pawel … [Read more...]
You will find in this section all the articles published in our news section on our home page.
Learning from the European Regions: my Experience as an intern at AER
Today is Tomaso Comazzi's last day as intern at the AER Brussels Office. Before moving on, we asked him to share his experience from working with us. Tomaso, which are your feelings at the end of this path? Personally, I felt very enriched by this experience, not just because of what I learned during these four months of intensive work as External Relations Assistant, but … [Read more...]
Circular economy: the main focus of YRN Spring Plenary Meeting
The 2016 Youth Regional Network spring plenary meeting that took place in Oppland (NO) from 30 April to 2 May proposed an ambitious programme. First, during the opening session, the welcome words were followed by the announcement of the Regional Innovation Award, to then yield the floor to the introduction of a very important topic in the European agenda, keynote in this event: … [Read more...]
Interreg Central Europe: 2nd call is open!
The Interreg Central Europe launched the 2nd call for proposal, open until 23 June 2016 h 18:00 CET. This call offers around 90 million Euro ERDF co-financing for the best transnational project ideas in all programme priorities and specific objectives. The co-financing rates reach up to 85% depending on the location of an institution. This programme is looking for … [Read more...]
Register now: event on chronic diseases, 18-20 May, Gelderland (NL)
The province of Gelderland (NL) is glad to invite all regions that have experience with projects on chronic diseases or that are willing to implement a broader strategy in this field, to a two-day working meeting with AER in close cooperation with Radboud University in the city of Nijmegen. We invite members with health work background, as well as public servants, health … [Read more...]
Getting the most out of the European Fund for Strategic Investments
AER met Friday 22 April with European Commission Vice President, Mr Jyrki Katainen, Commissioner for jobs, growth, investment and competitiveness. Lukas Mandl, member of the parliament of Niederösterreich (AT) and Mathieu Mori, AER Secretary General, discussed with Mr Katainen about the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) and its uptake at regional level. The first … [Read more...]
Time to Make the EU’s Single Market Fit for the Digital Age
Digitalization Transforms Our world On 21 of April, Press Club Europe Brussels hosted the European Confederation of Directors Associations - ecoDa 2016 Annual Conference. The theme of the conference was digitalization and the core question if "the European Directors are ready for a digitalized word?" Existing barriers, legal, cultural, perceptional and other mean … [Read more...]
Photonics: the key to innovation for the European SMEs
From 11-14 April, The County Council of Timis (RO) and the Assembly of European Regions hosted the Spring Plenary of the three AER Committees. Within the Plenary meeting of the Committee 1 on Economy and regional development, Professor Hugo Thienpont presented ACTPHAST programme followed by a Q&A session from the audience. Prof. Thienpont is a full professor at the … [Read more...]
Interreg North-West Europe: 3rd call now open!
The Interreg North-West Europe (NWE) 3rd call for project proposal is now open and looking to receive transnational cooperation initiatives that can deliver concrete results for the North-West Europe area and its citizens. The Programme encourages public, scientific, private and civil society organisations to cooperate with a view to improving the economic, environmental, … [Read more...]
AER/SEO new agreement to foster regions’ connectivity
AER is happy to launch a new partnership agreement with SEO Amsterdam Economics. The partnership enables AER members to take advantage from SEO’s in-depth knowledge of regional connectivity analysis. SEO’s service includes a connectivity scan, a benchmark with competing regions, an analysis of the strong and weak spots of a region’s connectivity and ways to improve a region’s … [Read more...]
Erasmus+ Key Action 3: call open on policy reform & social inclusion
Following the outcomes of the AER Comittee’s plenaries in Timis (RO) and the high interest of member regions on the issues of social inclusion of migrants and integration of refugees, we would like to raise again your attention on a funding opportunity addressed to disadvantaged learners, which was already announced in a previous article and shared during the meeting in … [Read more...]
Communication & Actions in times of crisis
The Committees' spring plenary meetings, gathered over 180 delegates from all over Europe in Timisoara (Timis, RO) from 11 to 14 April 2016 on the theme "Communication and Actions in times of crisis". This series of more than 20 events included workshops, working groups, statutory meetings, study visits and a seminar. The general theme of these events reflects the situation … [Read more...]
Successful Committee Meetings in Timis (RO)
AER President Dr Hande Özsan Bozatli and AER Secretary General Mathieu Mori were delighted to be able to thank in person and on behalf of all 200 AER delegates, the Timisoara county President, Mr Titu Bojin and the county councilor in charge of AER Mr Mihai Ritivoiu. The welcome was wonderful and all AER members felt at home for their 3 productive days of more than 20 … [Read more...]
AER visit to Northern Italy: another successful field mission
AER President, Dr. Hande Özsan Bozatli, alongside the President of the AER Commitee on Education, Culture and Youth, Mrs. Sonja A Steen, her Director of International Office, Mr. Eirik Fiva and AER Secretary General, Mr. Mathieu Mori, spent last week visiting nine Regioni in Northern Italy with the aim of both strengthening the existing links between the AER and its members … [Read more...]
Timis (RO) on finding solutions for refugees and migrants
A delegation of AER members visited the Emergency Transit Centre in Timis (RO) on 12 April 2016. They were welcomed by its Director, Mr Filimon Pitea, and Mrs Cornelia Nitu Fratila from UNHCR. Both organisations play a key role on the asylum refugees issues in Romania. The centre opened its doors in May 2008 as part of a Tripartite Agreement between Romania, UNHCR, and … [Read more...]
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