In April 2016, Østfold County Council -host region for this year's AER Summer Academy- applied for the Erasmus+ Key Action 3 “Support for policy reform: meetings between young people and decision-makers in the field of youth” specifically fulfilling one of the main priorities in the framework of this project: National meetings and transnational/international seminars that offer … [Read more...]
You will find in this section all the articles published in our news section on our home page.
Intern wanted: AER secretariat in Brussels (now closed)
The Assembly of European Regions is the political organisation of the regions of Europe and a representative of their interests at the European and international levels. Its mission: to defend the interests of the regions in the political process and to develop interregional cooperation. Regions from 35 countries and 15 interregional organisations are members of the AER. We … [Read more...]
AER meets EU institution leaders
One week after the Brexit, AER President Dr Hande Özsan Bozatli and Secretary General Mathieu Mori met with Mr Timmermans, first vice President of the European Commission. The aim of the meeting was to discuss the 2017 work programme of the European Commission but also to enquire about the steps the Commission will take following the loss of one of the key EU members. After … [Read more...]
Transparency: a tool for change
Remember the picture? United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon holding a report which outlines the actions of States and Regions with regards to climat change. Because regions are implementing a variety of initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, AER is joining forces with the Compact of States and Regions to encourage regions across wider Europe to make … [Read more...]
COP22: the final countdown
One of the major achievements of COP21 was to underline the central role of regional and non-State stakeholders to protect natural resources, reduce global warming and mitigate its effects. At the end of this year in Marrakech, COP22 will look at the progress made since. Because the Mediterranean area is especially vulnerable to climate change, it is essential that the … [Read more...]
Did you miss the General Assembly? Catch-up with our social media story
Take a glimpse at what happened in Nordland (NO) from 22-23 June 2016 at our Bureau on (R)e-inventing Democracy, the General Assembly and the Keynote discussion on the devlopment in the High North, the Arctic. All the key moments are highlighted in our social media. Our pictures are available on our Facebook page. Thank you to all active members on Twitter and … [Read more...]
Congratulations to the new members of the Monitoring & Evaluation Group
Three members were elected for the Monitoring & Evaluation Group (MEG) in Nordland at the General Assembly on 23 June 2016. Congratulations to the three nominees! They will be leading the work of the MEG for the next three years. Thomas Hartman Västerbotten-SE Chairman of the MEG Ana Verushi Korça-AL Member of the MEG Medzait Ljatifi Nordjylland-DK Member of … [Read more...]
Brexit: about time to react
AER experiences everyday the need for solidarity, mutual understanding and joint action among its elected members across Europe. We therefore regret but respect the outcome of the U.K. referendum. We urge the EU institutions to act upon the strong message sent by the people of the United Kingdom and to take the necessary measures to adapt and improve its core mechanisms. The EU … [Read more...]
Strong voices for voting “remain”
The AER Bureau took the opportunity of its meeting today to talk about the UK referendum. For obvious reasons, AER Vice-President Cllr Roy Perry (Hampshire-UK) could not take part in events in Nordland (NO) but addressed the assembly on the eve of the UKs referendum. Cllr Perry insisted on the two top achievements of the EU: peace and economy. He remarked on the difficulty of … [Read more...]
On the road to digital democracy
The 2016 AER General Assembly and Spring Bureau kicked-off with the discussion on (R)e-inventing democracy and the disruptive nature of technology. We have all been confronted with the ephemeral feeling of confusion and frustration when faced with the updates of our applications, programmes, software, phones (etc.) and any other day-to-day ICT; we tend to rely heavily on … [Read more...]
Cllr Roy Perry (Hampshire-UK) on UK referendum
Cllr Roy Perry (Hampshire-UK) could not attend our General Assembly in Bodø last June due to his responsibilities in the Remain campaign for the UK referendum. However, he sent this video to be presented at the Bureau meeting on June 22 2016. The Bureau was focused on the possibilities that new technologies offer to regional authorities to imporve governance, but was closed … [Read more...]
Energy: let the fight start!
Energy champions A full day for sustainable energy: to speed the deployment of sustainable energy policies! Sharing knowledge, experience, success and failures, this is why members get together at AER meetings. Why? Because this is a proven method to deploy solutions which work. Know your Enemy! The AER working group on energy carried out a stakeholders analysis exercise in … [Read more...]
Looking back on what was accomplished: our activity report is out!
We are pleased to share with you the 2015-2016 Activity Report. "It has been a busy year and we are proud to show what we have accomplished, for and with our members. The results and outputs are both impressive in their quantity but most importantly in their quality" said Dr Hande Özsan Bozatli, AER President. The AER Secretary General, Mr Mathieu Mori added "We would like … [Read more...]
AER regions & ParkinsonNet: joint action on centered health care
AER and the Province of Gelderland (NL) joined their effort in launching a project development initiative for AER regions in order to share experiences and work together on centered health care. On 18th-20th May, a motivated group of participants among which AER Secretariat, Norrbotten, Jönköping, Värmland (SE), Kleve (DE) and Western Islands (Scotland) had a fruitful … [Read more...]
AER Report – Energy security from a regional perspective
(Use Pop Out button to Download/Open) … [Read more...]
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