The Assembly of European Regions organised a workshop on "The Regions and sustainable transport" on 19th April in Florence, Toscana-I, in the aim of demonstrating the role which the Regions must play in future European transport policy. Several examples of good regional practices in the field of sustainable transport, and their concrete impact and added value in comparison … [Read more...]
You will find in this section all the articles published in our news section on our home page.
European Convention: Nominations for the EU Youth Convention!
AER urges for a strong representation of young people from the Regions and local authorities in the EU Youth Convention Call for lobbying of Convention members by the Regions and regional youth assemblies The Convention on the Future of Europe, in its March and April sessions decided to set up a Youth Convention at is session in April. The Youth Convention of 210 young people … [Read more...]
Decisions in Devon: Exeter, Capital of Regional Europe for a day
Exeter, Devon (UK), 11 April 2002 The Executive Board of the Assembly of European Regions (AER) met on 11th April, in Devon County Hall, and decided the following: • The AER continues to play an active role vis-à-vis the European Convention, and has recently launched its latest political discussion platform on this matter. The contributions received in this wide … [Read more...]
A successful step for giving European regions one voice
Linz, Upper Austria (A), 21 March 2002 On 21st March 2002 in Linz (A), the Assembly of European Regions united the Presidents of the European interregional organisations to built up a real common policy. For the first time in many years, these organisations have made a major step in joining their forces to defend and promote the role of the regions in the future … [Read more...]
AER supports the Italian initiative for mountain regions
"We encourage the initiative which aims at obtaining the recognition of the specific status for mountain regions in the EU Treaty, as presented by Enrico La Loggia, Italian Minister for Regional Policy, yesterday (13th March) to the President of the European Commission" declared Liese Prokop, President of the Assembly of European Regions. "Mountain regions suffer from demanding … [Read more...]
A common voice for the European Regions on the Future of Europe in Linz
On 21st March 2002 in Linz (A), the Assembly of European Regions will bring together the Presidents of the European interregional organisations. The aim of this Conference of Presidents of the European interregional organizations is to enhance cooperation between these organisations at a crucial point in time for the future of Europe. Common political positions will be adopted … [Read more...]
Presentation of the AER position on the European Convention to Valéry Giscard d’Estaing
The AER intends to observe the Convention's activities and to participate as the representative umbrella organisation of the Regions, both within the European Union and in accession countries. The AER also hopes to play an important role – along with other political organisations such as the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) - in the Forum set up by the … [Read more...]
The AER asks the European Union to review its level of involvement in culture and education
Considering the EU Convention an opportunity to achieve the comprehensive and full-fledged application of the principle of subsidiarity, AER Committee D (Culture, Education, Training and Youth) appealed to its members to insist that the EU reviews on this occasion its involvement in certain policy areas, in particular culture and education (TEU articles 149-151). "Members … [Read more...]
Woj. Swietokrzyskie, the venue for the European rendez-vous for regional experts in Culture, Education and Youth
• The future of Europe, the European Constitution, the importance of the distribution of competences between the different levels - European, national, regional and local - and of the recognition of local and regional autonomy, • Culture as an example of the need to obtain regional competences in this field for protecting diversity in Europe and the AER position on the … [Read more...]
A step further towards decentralisation in France Twenty years after the first law on decentralisation
The Assembly of European Regions (AER) welcomes the coming into effect of the law on the regionalisation of the SNCF (French national rail network) on 1st January 2002. This law allows the French Regions to organise their regional train networks (Regional Express Trains - TER). They will now be responsible for their own fares, new lines and the renovation of stations. The State … [Read more...]
Towards the glassy European worker ?
AER criticises the Commission's proposal for a common European format for Curricula vitae Following banana regulations and standardisation, the EU Commission has launched an initiative proposing a common European format for Curricula Vitae, both on paper and in electronic form. These proposals have set off harsh reactions from the AER, in particular in relation to questions of … [Read more...]
A working programme for 2002, capable of meeting the stakes in a Europe for the Regions
The members of the Presidium of the Assembly of European Regions (AER), at their meeting in Strasbourg on Friday 1st February 2002, welcomed the outcome of the Belgian Presidency of the European Union which led to further involvement for the Regions in European decision-making. They regretted the absence of regional policy on the priority list of the new Spanish Presidency. … [Read more...]
AER: Reform of CAP and structural funds necessary to avoid the discrimination of the accession countries
“The proposals made by the European Commission on the financing of enlargement are not up to expectations and confirm our fears for a future multi-track Europe despite Commissioner Fischler’s declarations” Mr Brian Greenslade, Vice-President of the AER, stated today. “Once again, financial concerns have dominated over the real problems faced by the future of the Common … [Read more...]
The AER joins the Northern Ireland rally against violence
The AER Secretariat expressed its support for people in Northern Ireland, to gather today in rallies throughout the country in a call for the end of sectarian killing. The AER shares the opinion of Archbsishop Robin Eames, Primate of the Church of Ireland, who considers that these rallies will convey an important message against killing on religious grounds. The AER regards … [Read more...]
The Future of Europe: Full steam ahead for a Interregional Organisations Presidents Conference
On 14th January 2002 in Strasbourg, the Assembly of European Regions met with the Secretaries General of its 13 interregional organisation members, to strengthen interregional cooperation and set up a common political platform for the increased participation of the regional organisations in decision-making at european level. They unanimously decided that today’s european … [Read more...]
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