Last Tuesday, the European Commission confirmed its confidence in the existing legal framework regulating genetically modified organisms (GMO), considering that it is strict enough in terms of labelling and scientific assessment. Therefore, the EU executive will go on authorising new GM seeds when the European Council cannot manage to reach an agreement on the issue. The … [Read more...]
You will find in this section all the articles published in our news section on our home page.
Bolkestein Directive – the AER welcomes the European Council’s decision
The Assembly of European Regions (AER) welcomes the European Council's decision on the Directive on Services (Bolkestein Directive). The AER has insisted that the Bolkestein Directive must be revised to take better account of the European social model. 'The regions fully support the European Union's initiative to complete the internal market in services and to promote … [Read more...]
The European Constitution: “Your Question Answered”
The Assembly of European Regions (AER) has published a guide "The European Constitution: Your Questions Answered" which aims at increasing awareness and understanding of the Constitutional Treaty and its implications for the citizens. "The main hurdle to ratification is the lack of information available to citizens about the contents of the Constitutional Treaty and its … [Read more...]
The EU needs a new vision
'After the internal market, the Euro, enlargement and the Constitutional Treaty, the EU lacks a clear vision for its future" said Riccardo Illy, President of the Assembly of European Regions (AER) and President of Friuli Venezia Giulia-I, meeting today with José Manuel Barroso, European Commission President. " The new vision for the EU should therefore be to bring Europe closer … [Read more...]
Creating the conditions for effective regional democracy
A challenge for the States and Regions of Europe Novi Sad, Vojvodina (SRB), 2 March 2005 'European democracy must be built from the bottom-up. The regional and the local authorities are the levels of government closest to the citizen, providing key services and acting as the main interface between the citizens and the state. However, regions cannot operate effectively … [Read more...]
We need exemption of small airports from EU Guidelines
Riccardo Illy, President of the Assembly of European Regions (AER), meeting today with the President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso, welcomed the new EU guidelines on aviation and regional airports, as well as the Commission initiative to launch a consultation before adopting a final regulation. 'The AER, who called for the publication of EC guidelines in order … [Read more...]
Promoting the creation of a European framework for Cross-border Co-operation
European Parliament and Regions work hand in hand Despite indicatations that Europe is becoming an ever-closer Union', in some key areas European co-operation still faces a myriad of obstacles. Many European regions still encounter opposition from national governments when trying to co-operate with their counterparts in other countries. Members of the European Parliament met … [Read more...]
Competitiveness, growth and cohesion: the EU must fund its ambitions
Strasbourg (F), 9 February 2005 The Presidency of the AER met in Strasbourg today and expressed its deep concern about the future of cohesion policy in the new Europe. While the Barroso Commission has just announced an ambitious initiative in order to re-launch growth and job creation in Europe, many Member States are lobbying for that the EU budget be limited to 1% of the … [Read more...]
The AER to Commissioner Hübner: “Cohesion should be at the service of the competitiveness of the regions”
"...and not a competition between the regions" Representatives of the Assembly of European Regions (AER) discussed today with Commisioner Hübner on the future of cohesion policy in the framework of the ongoing reform. The following requests were given to the Commisioner: Cohesion and the Lisbon agenda "There is tremendous potential for economic development in the regions … [Read more...]
The AER calls upon the European Council to assess the impact of liberalization
Before adopting the draft Services Directive The Assembly of European Regions (AER) appeals to the wisdom of the Heads of State and Governments when discussing the draft Directive on Services during the next European Council (16-17 December 2004). At the last AER General Assembly in Vienna (25-26 November 2004), the AER member regions, representing the entire political … [Read more...]
The AER is ready to help the Ukrainian regions to secure the future political structure of their country
Strasbourg and Brussels 10 December 2004 The Assembly of European Regions (AER), very concerned by the political situation in Ukraine, welcomes the decision of the Ukrainian Parliament on 8th December to amend the Constitution. "We will now pay great attention to the implementation of the reforms, and particularly of the adopted text reinforcing the power of the regions" … [Read more...]
Services of General interest in a New Europe Reinforcing the scope for action by the regions
Vienna (A), 26 November 2004 The members of the Assembly of European Regions, meeting in Vienna on 25th and 26th November 2004 welcomed the signing of the European Constitution as a clear sign that Europe is moving towards the establishment of a Union grounded in the principle of subsidiarity and recognising the key role of the regions in contributing to policy-making. … [Read more...]
General Assembly 2004 in Vienna: Dr. R. Illy, President of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, elected President of the AER
Vienna (A), 25 November 2004 The Assembly of European Regions unanimously elected Dr. Riccardo Illy, President of Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Italy), as its new President for a two years mandate, during its General Meeting in Vienna, on 25th November 2004. "I am very proud to hand over to Dr. Riccardo Illy as the President of the AER, the organisation committed to promoting … [Read more...]
AER Conference on “The Future of Cohesion Policy in an Enlarged Europe”
Eger, Heves county (H), 15 October 2004 On 14 and 15 October, the Assembly of European Regions and the Region of Heves – Hungary - held a Conference on the Future of Cohesion Policy in an Enlarged Europe, on the initiative of its Committee C “Regional Policies”. This large event was attended by more than 220 persons, representing more than 90 regional and local … [Read more...]
David Byrne congratulates the AER for its contribution to a new European Health Strategy
Bad Hofgastein (A), 7 October 2004 David Byrne, European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection, addressed the member regions of AER Committee “Social Affairs and Public Health” at its meeting in Bad Hofgastein (A) on 7th October 2004 and congratulated them on their political activities in promoting good health. Roel Augusteijn (Noord-Brabant, NL), the Committee … [Read more...]
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