Norrbotten (S), 9 June 2006 The Assembly of European Regions (AER), in cooperation with the County Council of Norrbotten (S), organised today an international conference entitled 'E-health: around the clock care for everyone, everywhere'. Bringing together over 100 politicians, officers and Information Technologies (IT) experts from Swedish, Dutch, Romanian, French, Polish, … [Read more...]
You will find in this section all the articles published in our news section on our home page.
Creation of a network of the Spokespersons of the Regions of Europe
Paris, Île-de-France (F), 9 June 2006 The Assembly of European Regions united today in Paris the Spokespersons of its member Regions to create the network of Spokespersons of the European Regions' Presidents. The objectives of the initiative are a better recognition of regional issues at European level and a more transparent and understandable communication on the … [Read more...]
‘Education or Training? The Lisbon process and the European soul’
Pécs, Baranya (H), 1 June 2006 'Education or Training? The Lisbon process and the European soul' was the title of the speech Minister Johanna Mikl-Leitner (Lower Austria), President of the Assembly of European Regions' Committee on Culture, Education & Training, Media & Information Technology, Youth and Sport, held on 25 May 2006 in Pécs, capital of the Hungarian … [Read more...]
45 Regions show the way to achieve both regional and European competitiveness
S'Hertogenbosch, Noord-Brabant (NL), 19 May 2006 At a time when the European Institutions ask the regions to participate in the process of European competitiveness, the Assembly of European Regions (AER) made today its contribution to increase regional economic development. "We, the Regions, can contribute to a better future for Europe and its citizens. We do … [Read more...]
Outcome of the First AER Citizens’ Forum on the Future of Europe
"Citizens speak up about their vision of Europe" Debrecen, Hajdú-Bihar (H), 16 May 2006 Citizens believe that that the EU offers them many opportunities, but they need much clearer information from the European institutions if they are to really be able to access and take advantage of these possibilities. This was the clear message that came from participants in the first … [Read more...]
Interregional cooperation for competitiveness and innovation
Two weeks ago, the Assembly of European Regions (AER) stressed in a meeting with Commissioner Hübner the importance of interregional cooperation. This week on 19, 20 and 21 April the AER took in Valencia another important step to support and promote interregional cooperation. At the AER Centurio conference, regional best practices in the field of innovation and competitiveness … [Read more...]
The first interregional portal for quality tourism is born!
The Assembly of European Regions (AER) officially launches today its web portal for sustainable quality tourism. 'We are very pleased to be in the Comunitat Valenciana, one of the 13 leader regions* in this initiative' stated Thomas Carlsson, Tourism Manager of the County Council of Västerbotten-S and Chairman of the Group on quality tourism of the AER. 'European regions are … [Read more...]
The future of energy lies in the Regions
The Energy Group of the Assembly of European Regions (AER) gathered today Regions, Research Institutes and Industry, to share know-how on energy. Setting up interregional projects is their answer to the crucial problem of energy in the future. 'We all know it is of great priority to work on the future of energy and to find out relevant innovative solutions. The citizens' … [Read more...]
The Vienna conference on co-existence pays lip service to freedom of choice’
The 'Freedom of Choice' conference on co-existence, organised by the European Commission and the Austrian Presidency of the EU, has not born fruit, to the regret of the Assembly of European Regions (AER). Following our meeting at the end of March with European Commissioner Mariann Fischer Boel, we expected more from this event. However, once at the conference, we simply … [Read more...]
The AER and Commissioner Hübner agree on opening a wide debate on the future of interregional cooperation
'Interregional cooperation is essential for the future of cohesion policy. We of course regret the discontinuation of the INTERREG label and the significant reduction in the support granted to interregional cooperation, but we wish more than ever to move forward. We therefore propose that all stakeholders meet to put forward innovative proposals on how the European … [Read more...]
The Alsace Region: An example of structural funds management
Efficient and successful decentralisation Despite, or rather due to our concerns over the future of cohesion policy and the difficulties in managing the structural funds, we are determined to use our experience and know-how to Europe's advantage.' This is the constructive spirit in which Adrien Zeller, Vice-President of the Assembly of European Regions (AER) and President … [Read more...]
How to improve health and social services in the Regions? The private sector can be a partner
Vojvodina (SRB), 27 March 2006 "Our goal today is to find innovative solutions that create efficient health and social services at the regional level" stated Stig-Erik Westmark, President of the Committee for Social Cohesion, Social Services and Public Health of the Assembly of European Regions (AER) and County Councillor of Västmanland-S, at the AER meeting in … [Read more...]
‘Let’s finally adopt common European rules on coexistence’ the Regions ask
Regions and their farmers need to have a choice whether they want to grow GMO crops or not. This is why, during the meeting with Commissioner Fischer Boel, the Assembly of European Regions (AER) called once again for the adoption of European directive on coexistence between GM and conventional/organic crops. On behalf of the AER, Dr Josef Martinz, Minister for Agriculture of … [Read more...]
The European Regions adopt their political strategy for gender equality
Kiruna (FIN), 9 March 2006 In the context of International Women's Day, the European regions have confirmed their commitment to the promotion of gender equality and have adopted today the Kiruna Declaration, which defines their political priorities in this area for 2006-2007. The Assembly of European Regions (AER), the largest regional organisation in Europe, will focus on … [Read more...]
Regions As the Bridge Between Europe and its Citizens
During a meeting today with Commissioner Margot Wallström, AER-President Riccardo Illy presented concrete reccomendations for how to improve the link between citizens and the EU. 'Regions are responsible for the management of 70-80 per cent of EU policy and therefore can provide information to the European institutions about what works and what does not. Their involvement in … [Read more...]
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