This year AER has come up with a new format for the "Tales from Europe" event. Co-organised for the first time with a second entity, the English Speaking Union, we opened our doors not only to journalists and colleagues from European institutions, but also to regional representatives and the civil society. The format is new but its objective is still the same: to promote … [Read more...]
You will find below articles on events (past and future) organised by AER, our member regions and other networks, partners and organisations.
European mobility: an asset in times of crisis
Eurodyssey programme managers and coordinators met on 11 October 2012, in Strasbourg during the programme’s annual Forum. For the thematic debate, they invited members of the AER Bureau to discuss advantages and challenges of an ambitious mobility policy. Guest of honour at the first roundtable was Mr. Jameleddine GHARBI, the Tunisian Minister for Regional Development and … [Read more...]
ERRIN-AER Policy Debate “Horizon 2020”
On 18th September AER has co-organized with ERRIN (The research and innovation network for regions), a policy debate on Horizon 2020 and its regional dimension. Invited speakers were Keith SEQUIERA (Member of Cabinet of Commissioner Geoghegan-Quinn in charge of Research, Innovation, Science) and Mikel LANDABASO (DG REGIO). In an informal setting with around 15 regional … [Read more...]
Conference on “Combating School drop-out”
Sundsvall, Västernorrland (S) For their Autumn plenary meeting, Committee 3 members are invited to focus on two main issues : a conference on school drop-outs and discussions on our new work programme for 2013/2014. Conference on combating school drop-out in Europe One of the main educational goals of the EU 2020 strategy is to reduce school drop-out rates below 10% … [Read more...]
Culture: be smart during the crisis!
For the 2012 edition of the joint AER and Youth Summer Schools, we propose a topic that some might underestimate in times of crisis. While everyone is looking at ways of getting out of the crisis, we want to be bold and suggest culture, and more specifically culture and creative industries, as one tool to help us get back on our feet. Investing in culture and … [Read more...]
Reforms in Tunisia: Spotlight on the Decentralisation Models in Europe
Pescara, Abruzzo (I), 6th July 2011 The Assembly of European Regions (AER), together with the region Abruzzo (I) and the Italo-Tunisian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, organised today a conference on the situation of regional democracy in Europe as follow up of its delegation’s visit to Tunisia last May. The positive aspects and the challenges related to decentralisation … [Read more...]
2nd Annual European Regions Energy Day
Two years into their groundbreaking partnership, The Assembly of European Regions (AER) and GE Energy continue to pave the way towards a new and efficient energy future for Europe and its regions. Brussels, Belgium – April 12th 2011 Today marks the 2nd Annual European Regions Energy Day, a unique event of its kind in Brussels and a key date in the European energy … [Read more...]
2nd Annual European Regions Energy Day
Brussels (BE), 12 April 2011 Today marks the 2nd Annual European Regions Energy Day, a unique event of its kind in Brussels and a key date in the European energy calendar. This two-date event is co-organised by AER and GE Energy and represents an important step in the renewal of regional energy policies. Watch some interviews for this … [Read more...]
1st European Regions Energy Day: Energy subsidiarity on its way in Brussels
Brussels (B), 29 April 2010 The Assembly of European Regions (AER), the Ministry of environment, nature protection and transport of the Land Baden-Württemberg (D) as well as GE Energy launched today the European Regions Energy Day. This event crowns a year of close collaboration between public and private stakeholders in the energy field. It is a vivid symbol of the rise of … [Read more...]
AER at Euro-Mediterranean Energy Efficiency forum: presenting Regions’ role to develop clean technologies
Regions in pole position to lead energetic revolution Monaco, 26 April 2010 Representing the Assembly of European Regions (AER), President Michèle Sabban attended the Euro-Mediterranean Energy Efficiency Forum in Monaco. Held by Johnson Controls and the Prince Albert II of the Monaco Foundation, the event has brought together 160 policy makers, NGOs and stakeholders … [Read more...]
Cohesion Policy and Europe 2020: AER challenges EU decisions to affect Europe for the next 10 years
Alba (RO), 16 March 2010. 110 representatives from 39 regions across 15 countries met for the plenary session of the Committee ‘Economy and Regional Development’ of the Assembly of European Regions (AER), which took place in the Alba County (Romania). Together, they reviewed the AER‘s strategy in to relation to cohesion policy and agreed on what European regions should … [Read more...]
ALEC2010: First international conference on Regions’ e-he@lth
Luleå - Norrbotten (S), 5 February 2010. The Assembly of European Regions’ (AER) e-he@lth network has organised the first international e-he@lth conference that targets directly the regions and their partners. Over 200 regional politicians, officers, university experts and entrepreneurs from across Europe have come to the Arctic Light E-health Conference (ALEC2010) in … [Read more...]
EU 2020: Regions and businesses together for growth and innovation
The Assembly of European Regions (AER) and EUROCHAMBRES, representing European regions and businesses, gathered today regional and business representatives for a discussion on the European Commission’s “EU2020” strategy proposal, which is to succeed the current “growth and jobs” agenda. “Together, we want to bring into this debate some key elements which we believe … [Read more...]
Big build-up, fizzle finish? Regions pledge to save the hopes of Copenhagen
In spite of the failure of the Copenhagen Summit to deliver a long term agreement, the Assembly of European Regions and its member regions pledge to pursue their efforts in the struggle against climate change “Although we expected this result, we are very disappointed about the outcome of the Copenhagen Conference. Heads of State have really missed on a unique … [Read more...]
Youth Employment in Times of Economic Crisis
The Assembly of European Regions (AER) and European youth join forces in Paris to find new solutions Paris (F), 11 December 2009 Over 100 young people from 53 regions and 26 countries have gathered in Paris for the third meeting of the Assembly of European Regions’ (AER) Youth Regional Network (YRN). During the two-day meeting hosted by Disneyland Paris, young … [Read more...]
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