The AER Youth Regional Network (YRN) adopted on Tuesday 8 May its own statutes as an international non-profit organisation. “I am particularly proud that our network reached such a maturity. Having a legal entity will give us with no doubt new opportunities, facilitate our access to necessary sources and broaden our network.” stated YRN’s President, Beat ROHNER. Our young activists will of course pursue all structural relations with the AER, with which they collaborate to promote the rights and the role of young people in Europe. Members of the YRN will therefore continue to be closely involved in all stages of AER’s decision making process.
Michèle SABBAN, AER’s President, told the young people that “Europe needs your skills on its way out of the crisis it is facing today. We currently hear many pessimistic speeches on Europe’s dark future. They are not worth our attention because young people are the ones who are going to actually shape Europe’s destiny”. “The ball is in your court: regions and young people are at the forefront as to revive trust and growth and not lock themselves up in the pessimism that we often feel today.” she added.