A recognition of excellence
A Call for Reference sites 2016 was launched in December 2015 at the Conference of Partners of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing.
A total of 74 regional and local organisations have now been awarded “Reference Site” status.
These organisations have demonstrated the existence of comprehensive strategies to advance innovation for active and healthy ageing, based on a “Quadruple Helix” model that includes stakeholders from industry, civil society, academia and government authorities at a regional and local level.
Investing in active and healthy ageing
Together these regions represent a commitment of over four billion € (2016-2019 period) to invest in innovative solutions that will lead to improvements in the quality of life of the ageing population, support efficiencies and sustainability of health and social care delivery and finally, stimulate economic growth and competitiveness. These investments will benefit an expected five million people in the next three years.
Scaling-up: IT innovation for the Silver Economy
The Reference Site status is granted to organisations, which have demonstrated excellence in: the development, the adoption of the scaling up of innovative practices for active and healthy ageing. All this being in line with the strategic objectives of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA) and particularly the European Scaling Up Strategy for Innovation in Active and Healthy Ageing.
The Scaling Up strategy supports the European Commission priority of establishing a Digital Single Market to unlock online opportunities for digital products and services.
Stars for AER regions!
The European Innovation Partnership recognised 8 AER member regions with “reference site” status: Catalonia (ES) ****, City of Zagreb (HR)*, East of France (FR)**, Friuli Venezia Giulia (IT)***, Murcia (ES)**, Norrbotten (SE)***, Noorth Brabant Province (NL)***, Nouvelle-Aquitaine (FR)**.
The official announcement and the full list of nominees is available on the Scale AHA website
More information on the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing
Upcoming events on e-health
“E-health: let’s find a common language”: AER event which will bring together companies & regional stakeholders on e-health and provide insights and free P2P meetings, information on funding etc to boost cooperation between stakeholders
European Summit on Innovation for Active and Healthy Ageing: Transforming the future of Health and Care in Europe: event organised by the European Commission
ALEC 2017 Accelerating Digital Health: the fifth Arctic Light e-Health Conference (ALEC), is a captivating event uniting digital health professionals from across the globe in the arctic region of Norrbotten for two days of inspiration, networking and skill development. Top-level politicians, digital health thought leaders, business innovators and ehealth professionals will meet to experience thought provoking keynotes on digital transformation.