The YES (Youth Entrepreneurship Strategies) project started in June 2008 in Östergötland to stimulate innovative and entrepreneurial mindsets among young people. By adding a policy level and enlarging the project to European partners, a strategy shall be developed with a view to integrating youth entrepreneurship education in school curricula, to increase knowledge about best practice and to contribute to the implementation of the European Union’s Small Business Act (SBA) regarding the provision of basic skills to young entrepreneurs.
The overall aim of YES, Youth Entrepreneurship Strategies, is to increase the number of entrepreneurs and accelerate European competitiveness by incorporating an entrepreneurial perspective into the education system and creating an entrepreneurial culture. A mapping and analysis procedure will identify prerequisites for youth entrepreneurship promotion in regional development policies and education systems and lead to a national and regional action plans including policy recommendations. The project will establish a Best Practice Guide as well as a European network for youth entrepreneurship promotion. A specific projet website and dissemination events will spread knowledge and raise awareness concerning entrepreneurship education.
Project partners
- Östergötland County Administrative Board
- Council of Education, Training and Employment of the Region of Murcia
- Pori Regional Development Agency POSEK Ltd
- Assembly of European Regions (AER)
- South-East Regional Authority
- Zilina self-governing Region
- Junior Achievement Estonia
- Marshal’s Office of Opolskie Region
Download the Final publication
Download the Good practice guide
Download the Recommendations for Entrepreneurship Education in Europe