Check out the newly launched page of the YOUTHopia Project, a pan-European campaign aimed at promoting the benefits of Cohesion Policy across Europe.
The project.
YOUTHopia is an Action initiated by two partners (AER and Babel International) with the same ambition to help reconnect the EU with its local citizens, and in particular the youth, by putting them at the centre of the new European political priorities.
This effort translates into a major communication campaign, from Europe’s western-most (County Donegal, Ireland) to its south-easternmost (Cyprus) point, passing through Košice, Slovakia and East/West Slovenia, and echoing throughout all Europe, to make young people aware of the tangible benefits and concrete opportunities made available by Cohesion policy, with the ultimate goal of empowering them to be an active part of their communities and Europe’s life.
A Place for Succes Stories and Opportunities under Cohesion Policy.
In the next months, the website will be the repository of successful cohesion stories with a human touch, projects on the ground that benefited citizens and territories.
Through the enhanced use of multiple digital platforms, multimedia products, and audiovisual storytelling -narrated through the lenses of Solutions Journalism, and led by a youth-driven communication style- the Action promotes stories and faces of Cohesion Policy, in particular in the area of skills and lifelong learning, supporting people’s digital, social and economic inclusion, and in the realm of the green transition, wich projects aiming at energy efficiency, sustainable urban mobility, and climate neutrality.
Eager to learn more…?

The Youthopia Project is co-funded by the Directorate General for Regional and Urban policy (DG REGIO) of the European Commission.