The AER Secretariat elaborates yearly statistical reports to assess the developments of the Eurodyssey programme. The data is collected directly from the inputs given by the Eurodyssey correspondents who, year after year, keep the record of the mobility exchanges. Significant improvement has been made in the data processing and the production of statistical reports carried out by the AER Secretariat in partnership with member regions.
A comprehensive Eurodyssey statistical analysis
In 2019, the programme greatly recovered the gap of 2018 on many indices, strengthened and consolidated, and today offers a better perspective for the future. Furthermore, the AER Secretariat launched by February 2020 a new employment survey to the 2018 participants with the aim of assessing more accurately the impact of Eurodyssey on their employability. The survey has yielded very encouraging results: namely, 64% of the Eurodyssey participants found employment within four months following the end of their traineeship.

This new annual report contains a set of parameters to annually measure the programme’s developments from different angles: the evolution of the exchanges over the years, the supply and demand of traineeship offers, the impact on employment, the reciprocity in the exchanges, and many more…
Such a research output will serve to systematically prepare the future annual reports and the statistical work associated with the employment surveys.
You can download HERE the full 2019 Statistics Report, including the 2018 employment findings.