This year, the AER Activity Report takes on a new look.
In collaboration with Habile Studio, we decided to make this year’s Activity Report a little different.
To show AER’s calm and confident demeanour with regards to its future, we have developed and created a very zen and strong report that shows our commitment to a “Stronger Europe”, which was our political priorities for the “2017-2018” period.
The abstract cover very much symbolises the simultaneous strength and confidence of AER as the largest network of regions in wider Europe.
It shows our member countries’ population on the outer ring; the middle ring shows our member regions and their population, and the central blue shape brings the GDP of all our members under one shape, showing our commitment to our members, and to the goals of the Assembly of European Regions.
If you have any questions about our 2017-2018 Activity Report, please contact our Communications and Events Coordinator.