We are a network
Multiple times per year, AER brings together regions, so that they may stand stronger together, and grow in a space of best practice exchange.
Calendar of Events
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Introduction to Interculturalism and Intercultural Competences: First Online Capacity-building Session for Regions and Local Stakeholders
Introduction to Interculturalism and Intercultural Competences: First Online Capacity-building Session for Regions and Local Stakeholders
What is interculturalism and how do we support the development of intercultural competences among regions and their stakeholders? Intercultural Competence is what allows for a person to be able to navigate comfortably in complex intercultural settings. Accordingly, to the European Commission (2007), it means combining skills, attitudes, abilities, and knowledge to face, act and […]
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European Week of Regions and Cities 2022 – Regions4Youth: Strengthening Cohesion Through Youth Empowerment ONLINE WORKSHOP
European Week of Regions and Cities 2022 – Regions4Youth: Strengthening Cohesion Through Youth Empowerment ONLINE WORKSHOP
How can youth development contribute to achieving territorial, economic and social cohesion? Empowering our next generation empowers all of us. Territorial, economic and social cohesion cannot be achieved without providing younger generations with opportunities to thrive and without including them in decision-making processes. The COVID-19 pandemic has put a heavy burden of both sacrifice and […]
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2022 AER General Assembly, Brussels (BE)
2022 AER General Assembly, Brussels (BE)
2022 AER General Assembly ***REGISTRATIONS ARE NOW CLOSED: please contact j.sammon@aer.eu with any questions. The 2022 General Assembly will take place in Brussels, Belgium and online on 14 October, hosted by the by the Government of Lower Austria Liason Office. Members joining on-site are also invited to a welcome reception the evening of Thursday, 13 October […]