After successfully hosting the 2016 annual Eurodyssey Forum, Cyprus is on the starting blocks to launch its mobility programme. The Forum was an excellent opportunity for Eurodyssey coordinators to get to know their new partner in order to ensure a smooth integration into the programme.
The Forum was opened by Mr Alexandros Alexandrou, Director of the Department of Labour, Ministry of Labour and Social insurance and Mr Christos Hatziyiangou, Acting Secretary General of the Union of Cyprus Municipalities. Mr Savvas Savvides, Mayor of Akanthou, and representative to the AER for the Union of Cyprus Municipalities was also present on this occasion after his recent involvement in the AER Bureau in Vienna in October.
The Eurodyssey programme in Cyprus is co-funding by the Republic of Cyprus and the European Social Fund. The department of Labour has secured a grant of 20.000 EUR per year for 3 years which will enable the welcoming of 4 or 5 trainees in Cyprus each year.
Mr Alexia Tsaousi, Labour officer, presented some of the specificities of the involvement of Cyprus in the programme as well as their objectives for the first year. For young people coming to Cyprus within the Eurodyssey exchange programme, the following is foreseen:
- Monthly allowance €500/month for living expenses for 5 months
- Accommodation (single room in shared apartment): Rent will be paid directly by the DoL to the owner
- Funding of the Language course for Greek of 40 hours, during the first month of arrival, before the start of the 5 months training period and for cultural activities.
- An amount of €100 at the end of the training period, after submiting the Intership Report and on the condition that the accommodation used is not damaged.
- documents needed: national ID or passport; private or European health insurance card; training or studies certificate; identify photo
Ms Tsaousi, Labour officer also detailed the conditions and criteria for the young people from Cyprus eligible for the programme. The details can be found in the presentation.
Mr Antonis Kafgouros, Labout officer presented some facts about living and working in Cyprus. One of the strengths of the Eurodyssey programme is the strong support that the young people receive before, during and after their internship. The programme coordinators dedicate much time and energy to knowing their partners in order to provide useful advice to the trainees. For additional insights about Cyprus, click here.