Brussels (BE), 12 April 2011 Today marks the 2nd Annual European Regions Energy Day, a unique event of its kind in Brussels and a key date in the European energy calendar. This two-date event is co-organised by AER and GE Energy and represents an important step in the renewal of regional energy policies. Watch some interviews for this … [Read more...]
You will find in this section all the articles published in our news section on our home page.
How do European Regions invest for green growth?
Regions find alternative methods of financing the essential energy programmes that are necessary to achieve the EU 2020 energy targets, a new AER survey on green growth shows. AER survey on green growth published! A new survey on green growth by the Assembly of European Regions (AER), presented today, highlights the importance of regional investment in energy projects. Based … [Read more...]
Cooperation between regions of the Black Sea will ensure territorial stability and prosperity
Batumi, Ajara (GE), 6th April 2011 “It is important that we are gathered today as the EU is experiencing a turning point in its construction as it revises its strategies for 2020. The links that the EU weaves with its neighbours will be decisive for years to come, for example on questions regarding energy. The AER intends to contribute to development of those bordering … [Read more...]
For European Regions, the opening of a satellite office in Turkey answers a necessity
On Monday the 4th of April, during a stop over in Istanbul, the President of the Assembly of European Regions and Turkish regions agreed on the opening of an AER satellite office in the Bosphorus Istanbul (T), ' April 2011 While the slow opening of thematic chapters continues to delay the entry of Turkey into the European Union, the Assembly of European Regions (AER) proposed … [Read more...]
Boosting Entrepreneurship and Innovation…AER breaks new ground
Østfold (N), 25 March 2011 The Assembly of European Regions (AER) strongly believes in the importance of entrepreneurship and innovation as key factors for future European knowledge economies and a stepping-stone to emerge out of the current economic and financial recession. AER organised a debate, attended by more than 100 participants, where entrepreneurship and … [Read more...]
AER Most Youth Friendly European Region Award 2011: REGISTER NOW!
Strasbourg (F), 23 March 2011 The 6th edition of the Most Youth Friendly European Region Award is open. 2011 award dedicated to the inclusion of youth with disabilities This year’s edition will focus on an important subject: the inclusion of young people with disabilities. Chosen by the members of AER’s Youth Regional Network (YRN), and providing a synergy between … [Read more...]
The Regional Innovation Award 2011: Be the next winners!
Strasbourg (F), 22nd February 2011. The application forms for the 2011 edition of the Regional Innovation Award has just opened, hereby marking the launch of a 6th year of interregional competition for innovation. Contribute to a better visibility of regional innovation initiatives Besides the fact that the AER award offers the possibility to obtain investment … [Read more...]
Vojvodina in pole position to drive energy sustainability in the Balkans
Novi Sad, Vojvodina (SRB), 9th February 2011 Yesterday the Assembly of European Regions’ peer review team presented a series of recommendations on how to improve the energy policy of the province of Vojvodina. Based on the observations made during an October 2010 audit, the report identifies the major strengths and challenges for the development of a green economy in the … [Read more...]
More financial efficiency, less bureaucracy!
AER survey on funding unveiled Brussels (B), 2 February 2011 The Assembly of European Regions (AER), through its Working Group on European funding, presented today a survey of its members to which 23 regions from 14 countries responded. The study aims to better understand and provide concrete answers to the challenges facing regions in the funding and management of EU … [Read more...]
Do it fast but do it smart!
European Energy Strategy 2020: AER members visit GE Smart Grid Centre and promote the role of regions in speeding up an energy efficient Europe. Bracknell (UK), 1 February 2011 To affirm its commitment to a low-carbon future on the eve of the EU Summit, the Assembly of European Regions (AER) organised together with its partner GE Energy, regional representatives and … [Read more...]
Climate Action rests with the regions!
After a meeting in Brussels on January 13, AER President Michèle Sabban and the Commissioner for Climate Action Connie Hedegaard agreed on a way forward to overcome the economic and ecological crisis Strasbourg (F), 13 January 2011. Michèle Sabban, President of the Assembly of European Regions (AER) met this morning with EU Commissioner for Climate Action, Connie … [Read more...]
AER Activity Report 2010 now available!
Our Secretariat is pleased to publish the electronic versions of the Assembly of European Regions’ Activity Report 2010. Discover AER activities during a very intense and dynamic year for European regions at the European and the international levels! A special message from our President Michèle Sabban, our Secretary General Klaus Klipp and our Vice-President Treasurer … [Read more...]
AER tribute to Carlo Bernini
Strasbourg (F), 12 January 2011 The Assembly of European Regions (AER) pays tribute to Carlo Bernini who recently died after a long battle with illness. Carlo Bernini invested himself throughout his life to the cause of defending regionalism, and in the field of transport policy. At a young age, Mr. Bernini began his involvement with Italian local and regional … [Read more...]
Cohesion in Europe: Regions Take up the Challenge
With its White Paper on Cohesion Policy, AER provides accurate and informed responses to questions arising from the conclusions of the European Commission’s 5th report on economic, social and territorial cohesion AER White Paper on Cohesion Policy is out! Brussels (B), 7 December 2010. Although broadly satisfied with the conclusions of the fifth report of the European … [Read more...]
European Commission Communication on the CAP towards 2020: Providing rural areas with tools to achieve excellence!
Strasbourg (F), 19 November 2010. The Assembly of European Regions (AER) welcomes the readiness of the European Commission to establish a Common Agricultural Policy more focused on the environment. However, it is equally important that rural developmet plays a central role within the CAP. "The No. 1 objective of the CAP must be sustainable development of dynamic and … [Read more...]
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