21 September, Brussels - The Assembly of European Regions hosted a visit of a delegation from the East Border Region that is representing politicians and officers from local county councils in Ireland/Northern Ireland. Apart from learning more about AER, the delegation discussed with AER's Vice-president treasurer, Magnus Berntsson (Västra Götaland/SE) the role of broadband in … [Read more...]
You will find in this section all the articles published in our news section on our home page.
Join the House of European Regions
The AER Brussels office has recently moved into a new building at rue d’Arlon, 63, nextdoor to the European Institutions. Firmly anchored in both Brussels and Strasbourg with liaison offices in Romania and Ukraine, AER is proud to invite European regions in need of a Brussels representation to move into the House of European Regions. The office space available in the House … [Read more...]
European Mobility and Employability: what benefits for businesses
Save the date! Île-de-France Europe and the partners of the Erasmus + RMT project invite you to the conference on "European Mobility and Employability: what benefits for businesses" on 13 October (09.30-12.00) in Île-de-France Europe (10 rue Montoyer, 1000 Brussels). The project partners include Île-de-France, Esmovia (Valencia-ES), CEDIT (Firenze-IT), Berlink (Berlin-DE) and … [Read more...]
Addressing the refugee crisis
On the 9th of September 2015 the European Commission is proposing following measures to solve the crisis: Proposing an emergency relocation proposal for 120,000 refugees from Greece, Hungary and Italy Proposing a Permanent Relocation Mechanism for all Member States Proposing a regulation to establish an EU common list of Safe Countries of Origin Making return policy … [Read more...]
Regions can bring union and pragmatism to Europe
AER President Dr Hande Özsan Bozatli reacted to European Commission President's speech: "Jean-Claude Juncker in his speech on the state of the union has stressed the need for more Europe in the Union and more Union in Europe. Regions within AER show unity in diversity, put into place bold and pragmatic actions in all policy fields and learn from each others mistakes and best … [Read more...]
Jean-Claude Juncker calls for more Europe and Union in the EU
The President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, delivered the first State of the Union speech before the European Parliament. Among other issues, he addressed the migration crisis stating that the is no other alternative for the EU than to act. He reminded MEPs that "Europe has made make the mistake in the past of distinguishing between Jews, Christians, Muslims. … [Read more...]
Newsletter n°29 (Sep. 2015)
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Angela Merkel’s humane stance on immigration is a lesson to us all
Merkel: Being the country to which so many want to migrate should be a source of pride, she says. She wants to keep Germany and Europe open, to welcome legitimate asylum seekers in common humanity, while doing her very best to stop abuse and keep the movement to manageable proportions. Which demands a European-wide response. So far, her electorate and her press back … [Read more...]
Commissioner Hahn at Western Balkan conference
At the Western Balkans Summit Business Breakfast in Vienna, Johannes Hahn, Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement, shared his views on the future development of the Western Balkans. Across the region we see an increasing re-engagement in the reform process. Despite persisting risks and high uncertainties, growth prospects seem now to be much better than … [Read more...]
International Vienna
The City of Vienna (AT) recently published a report focusing on its international activities in 2014. Vienna "has worked for socially and ecologically sustainable development, ensuring the competitive standing of the city both nationally and internationally and winning international recognition in Europe and beyond", said Dr. Michaël HÄUPL, Mayor and Governor of Vienna. Have a … [Read more...]
AER members shine in the RegioStars 2015
The European Commission announced the finalists for the RegioStars 2015 awards which honour Europe's most inspirational and innovative regional projects supported by EU Cohesion Policy Funds. Of the 17 finalist projects, we proudly find AER member regions, including: Cataluña (ES), Midi-Pyrénées (FR), Aquitaine (FR), Burgenland (AT), Andalucia (ES), Syddanmark (DK), West … [Read more...]
Visit the Province of Gelderland (NL)
AER and its partner UNICAP Television are proud to present the second episode of our very own TV series "European Regions" highlighting the Dutch Province of Gelderland. Discover the beauties of the largest of the 12 provinces in the Netherlands in this short movie focusing on Gelderland's heritage, culture, economy, and tourism assets. Interested in promoting your region via … [Read more...]
“The future of regionalism is bright”
“Regions, federated states and autonomous communities are above all mainstays of democracy; they strongly support cultural diversity in Europe and they are major partners in socio-economic development”. This message has been AER’s core vision for the last 30 years. It was the basis for its creation in 1985, was manifested in the AER Declaration on Regionalism adopted in 1996, … [Read more...]
Europe in my region photo competition
Join the experience, share your shots. … [Read more...]
Newsletter n°28 (Jun. 2015)
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