A new Call for Proposals has been launched on 28 October 2015 on "Support Member States under particular migratory pressure in their response to health related challenges" as an amendment under the 3rd Health Programme. The decision of the amendment to the work programme 2015 is available at the Directorate General for Health and Food Safety website. Following the adoption … [Read more...]
You will find in this section all the articles published in our news section on our home page.
An integrated approach to regional development
Gratian Mihailescu, expert from the AER's Observatory on Regionalisation, was invited to speak at the Danube Conference about multi-level governance on 16 October 2015. The roundtable discussion was organized in Cluj Napoca, with the occasion of 100 years celebration of Junior Chamber International. JCI is a is a international NGO of young people between 18 and 40 years old … [Read more...]
Success stories from Vojvodina (RS)
With the support of AP Vojvodina Secretariat for inter-regional co-operation and local self-government Local Democracy Agency Subotica has prepared a collection of good local practice - an overview of EU funded projects implemented by 45 municipalities in Vojvodina in the course of the IPA Programming period 2007-2013. This publication aims to promote internationally the … [Read more...]
Making regional diplomacy a reality
AER President Dr Hande Özsan Bozatli and H.R.H Prince Laurent of Belgium visited the Ukrainian region of Dnipropetrovsk last week. The region is a key AER member in Eastern Europe and a partner for bridging with other regions from the area through the AER office that recently opened. The delegation met with high ranking officials including Mr Udod Evgeniy Grigoryevich, Chairman … [Read more...]
The start to a win-win cooperation with regions from the Republic of Serbia
AER was honoured to welcome delegates from the Sumadija and Pomoravlje region (Serbia) on 15 October in Brussels. The Mayors in the delegation represent the regional development agency of that region and met with the Acting Secretary General, Mathieu Mori and Mujo Hadzic, Détaché advisor for Intergovernmantal Relations, to exchange on their potential involvement in AER. The … [Read more...]
Invitation to the European Conference Think European – act local
Youth 2015 – recommendations for Europe, 18 November 2015 10.30 am to 5.00 pm, Committee of Regions, Brussels The second conference on the EU Youth Strategy and the role of the states and regions will address the core findings of the third EU Youth Report on the realities faced by young Europeans. Further, it will focus on resulting challenges and the need for political action … [Read more...]
Flevoland (NL) champion in EU projects with AER
Following on the AER Open Doors week, the King's Commissioner, Leen Verbeek and the Executive Board of the Province of Flevoland (NL) came to discuss the next steps of their engagement in AER. AER has been very present in disseminating information from Flevoland's European projects, including Smart Europe, More4NRG and Regions4GreenGrowth. In addition to dissemination, AER also … [Read more...]
Nordland (NO) always looking for more AER
Today, AER welcomed a delegation from Nordland fylkeskommune (AER member region from Norway) in AER Brussels office, explaining the organisation, discussing possible cooperation and learning that Nordland has a strong cooperation with the region of Gelderland (AER member from The Netherlands) in the area of youth mobility. Nordland is also represented in AER's governing … [Read more...]
AER’s Brussels office welcomes members during the Open Days
Are you in Brussels for the week of the Open Days? Come and visit us! As you know, the new AER Brussels office is conveniently located in the European headquarters, a few minutes walk from the Committee of the Regions and the European Parliament. As we are always eager to meet face to face with our members, we hope to have an opportunity to see you while you are in … [Read more...]
GMF hosts event on the importance of Subnational Diplomacy
October 7, 2015, Washington, DC: The German Marshall Fund hosted the opening reception for the Washington, D.C. leg of Our Cities, Our Climate: A Bloomberg Philanthropies - U.S. Department of State Partnership on the evening of Wednesday, October 7, kicking off the U.S. Department of State’s three-day initiative. The opening reception brought together U.S. and international … [Read more...]
In the last five years the number of european families at risk of poverty and social exclusion has risen by 5%
Our vice-president of Committee 2, Mihai Ritivoiu (Timis County, Romania), representing AER in Bruxelles, at a Roundtable on Civil Dialogue with European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility, Marianne Thyssen. Join the discussion on the occasion of the AER Committee 2 plenary in Winchester on 2 November 2015 … [Read more...]
Invitation to the Open Days side event “Approaching AAA rating in youth employment”
13 October, 11.00, Espace Monte Paschi (avenue d'Auderghem 22-28, 1040 Brussels) The aim of the event is on the one hand to identify the reasons for the high youth unemployment rate and subsequently juxtapose regions from both ends of the spectrum in order to exchange ideas and best practices in the attempt to tackle youth unemployment successfully and mutually compare … [Read more...]
Public Procurement of Innovation – opportunity for regions
Seize the excellent opportunity that the European Commission is offering to regional and local authorities that are ready to deploy or scale up innovative solutions in the coming 2-3 years in the field of AHA (ie. procure innovative solutions for active and healthy ageing, integrated care etc.). What you can gain: co-finance up to 35% of the procurement costs, benefit from … [Read more...]
Looking for experience sharing in cross border business parks
The Dutch municipality of Coevorden that would like to exchange experiences with border and cross-border regions regarding cross-border business parks with the aim to check if there could be also a possibility to initiate a project regarding this subject. The municipality of Coevorden and its German neighbour municipality Emlichheim, share a cross-border industrial park … [Read more...]
Commission’s appetite for an EU budget focused on results
The Assembly of European Regions participated on 22 September in a high-level conference organised in Brussels by the European Commission called an EU budget focused on results. Leading figures in Europe's political landscape like European Commission's President Jean-Claude Juncker, Vice President's Kristalina Georgieva and Maroš Šefčovič and German finance minister Wolfgang … [Read more...]
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