"So long as this reform supports the objectives of economic, social and territorial cohesion", stated President Illy Trieste, Friuli-Venezia-Giulia (I), 11 September 2005 Presidium of the Assembly of European Regions (AER), meeting today in Trieste, Friuli Venezia Giulia (I), has declared itself overall in favour of the European Commission's proposed 'State Aid Action … [Read more...]
You will find in this section all the articles published in our news section on our home page.
Consultation towards AER reactions on state aid and on cohesion policy
New! Consultation on the European Commission's State aid Action plan and on the Community Strategic guidelines for cohesion, growth and jobs The European Commission presented on 6 July a Communication on the Community Strategic Guidelines on economic, social and territorial cohesion. These guidelines establish the priorities for the next generation of cohesion policy … [Read more...]
AER Summer School 2005: Crossing the Bridge Welcome to Europe
The Assembly of European Regions (AER) organised its first Summer School ten years ago. This year, at the 10th AER Summer School, we expect a greater number of participants than ever before. We will meet from 28th August to 3rd September 2005 in the city of Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The 2005 Summer School will focus upon the theme 'Regions as the motors for Prosperous … [Read more...]
Sustainable energy policy: Renewable energy and rational management are crucial for European Regions
County of Norrbotten (S), 30 June 2005 "With the rise in global energy consumption, the need to set up sustainable and long-term energy policies is becoming all the more essential. This should be done by developing alternative energy sources and by promoting more rational behaviour towards energy consumption." This was the statement by Hakan Sandgren, … [Read more...]
Youth unemployment: an inevitable fate?
European regions pin their hopes on vocational training and international mobility for young people Nearly 20% of young Europeans are currently out of work. The figures from Poland, Greece and Italy are particularly worrying (36.4%, 27.8% and 24% respectively), but they are also high in France, Germany, Finland and Belgium. Even well qualified young people are taking … [Read more...]
The AER celebrates its 20th anniversary
15 June 1985 47 European regions and 9 interregional organisations met in Louvain-la-Neuve in Belgium to seal the commun future of the European regions. Under the Presidency of Edgar Faure, at that time President of the French region Franche-Comté, they set up the Council of the Regions of Europe (CRE), which two years later became the Assembly of European Regions. Today, … [Read more...]
The Assembly of European Regions urges the EU to respond to new challenges
Sankt Gallen (CH), 31 May 2005 The Bureau of the AER met in Sankt Gallen (CH) today and urges the EU to respond to new challenges for the future of the Europe, that rise from the outcome of the referendum in France. In the declaration adopted during the meeting, the AER Bureau stresses "that many of the concerns raised during the ratification debate in France as well as in … [Read more...]
Recognising the vital role of the regions: a crucial stake for Europe
Wroclaw (PL), 19 May 2005 'European economic growth, which has been dynamic for the past ten years, will be in danger, if the Constitutional Treaty is not ratified,' warned Riccardo Illy, President of the Assembly of European Regions (AER) and of Friuli Venezia Giulia-I, during his intervention at the opening of the European Summit of Cities and Region organised in Wroclaw … [Read more...]
Europe’s Regions demand “power-sharing” over GMO crop decision – GMO Free zones reach all time high
Brussels (B), 16 May 2005 European regions have today reiterated their demand to be included in any decisions over the commercial cultivation of genetically modified crops (GM or GMOs) in order for them to enhance and promote quality agriculture and food products. Over 250 people from across Europe today attended an over-subscribed conference in Brussels to hear regional … [Read more...]
17 May 2005: Rendez-vous in Brussels “For a sustainable European agriculture”
On 17th May 2005, the Assembly of European Regions (AER) is organising a conference on 'Safeguarding sustainable European agriculture: coexistence, GMO free zones and the promotion of quality food produce in Europe', in cooperation with Friends of the Earth Europe (FOEE) and with the support of the Land Upper Austria-A and the Region Tuscany-I. The following questions will be … [Read more...]
Promoting Sustainable Development: Learning From Regions’ Experience
Azores (P), 10 May 2005 "The regions of Europe have to take up the new challenges of a rapidly changing European and global context. Growth and competitiveness depend on the capacity of the regions to enhance their self-development based on sustainability. To achieve this goal, the AER Centurio-Interreg III C Programme, gathering almost 50 regions, provides the … [Read more...]
Regions of Europe back the implementation of the Lisbon Strategy
Ponta Dalgada, Açores (P), 9 May 2005 'The ambitious objectives of the Lisbon Strategy will only be reached through coherent European policies and the EU budget adapted to the challenges emerging from the last enlargement and globalisation', stated Onno Hoes, Regional Minister of Noord-Brabant (NL) and Chairman of Regional policies' Committee of the Assembly of European … [Read more...]
Scenario Europe 2010 – The AER launched its work on the White Paper on the role of the regions
Dubrovnik (HR), 29 Aprile 2005 'EU enlargement and globalisation have created new opportunities and challenges for the European regions. The Constitutional Treaty currently in the process of being ratified in the Member States and the Lisbon Strategy imply the greater involvement of regions in all aspects of European governance in the next future, especially if we want to … [Read more...]
What role for the regions in a Europe of 2010?
Dubrovnik (HR), 29 Aprile 2005 "European competitiveness and entrepreneurship will not improve unless they can build on existing conditions and opportunities in Europe's regions, towns and municipalities", said Mrs Catarina Segersten Larsson, Chair of the Värmland County Council Executive Committee (S), at the conference on 'the Role of the regions in Europe: a Scenario for … [Read more...]
“The Directive on services must be revised” says the AER
Västerås (S), 22 April 2005 'At a time when the Directive on Services (Bolkestein Directive) and the Constitutional Treaty are under debate in all European countries, the Assembly of European Regions (AER) strongly reaffirms that this Directive must be revised to take better account of the European social model,' said Stig-Erik Westmark, President of the AER Social … [Read more...]
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