The Assembly of European Regions finds its strength in its members and partners which make it a lively and exciting network.
Regions, networks, organisations, companies, agencies… Whoever you are and whatever you do, you certainly have your place in the world of AER and a role to play within our network!
Join as a member
AER has three member categories:
- Full members are: 1) European regions, under the condition that they respect the basic fundamental principles of the Council of Europe or 2) Groups of regions within a state, unless all members of such a group already belong to AER on an individual basis.
- Associate members are: 1) European or non-European territorial entities, organizations or associations, including administrative divisions below national or regional level or 2) The founding organisations of AER, the Interregional Associations of European Regions.
- Observers, for a limited time, are: Any entity wishing to observe AER before joining as a full or associate member.
The term “Region” covers in principle territorial authorities between the central government and local authorities, with a political representation power as entrusted by an elected assembly.
See our team page to contact the right person for you.
Join as a partner network
AER Partners are essential part of its work, feeding the discussions of the community and informing the members about a number of issues. They benefit from being part of the largest network of regions in the wider Europe, though not entitled to take part in the decision process and the governing bodies.
- Partner networks are networks focused on a specific thematic and/or a geographic area. They contribute to the work of the Assembly of European Regions by keeping its members updated on a wide range of topics, while they can easily disseminate information and raise awareness throughout the network.
See our team page to contact the right person for you.