On 30 November 2023, the AER Youth Regional Network organised a workshop for young people in Sankt Polten, Lower Austria, in light of the MEET Intergenerational Debate taking place on the same day. Here, the YRN was presented to the young participants, who discussed the key topics of the debate, touching on the European Elections, youth participation, inclusion the green transition, the stakes in rural and urban areas, and other relevant aspects.
The young participants were eager to exercise their rights as young European citizens and to contribute to this meaningful discussion. This workshop was a positive opportunity for them to share ideas and opinions on what can be done for a more Democratic, Inclusive, Green, and Digital Europe.
Resulting from the workshop are their policy recommendations, that are to be integrated into the policy and advocacy work of the Assembly of European Regions (AER) and Youth Regional Network (YRN), to bring these young voices to the European institutions, and regional and European policymakers and stakeholders.
2023-11-30-Youth_Policy_Recommendations_MEET_DebateIf you are aged between 16 and 30 years, and would like to contribute to similar discussions in the future, join the YRN!