At the invitation of Prof. Jan Waszkiewicz, President of the Lower Silesia Region, the AER Conference on the Regions’ contribution to the European Union enlargement process will take place in Wroclaw on 21st October 1999.
The Conference, which is of particular interest to the Regions of central and eastern European Countries (CEEC) applying for membership, aims at better integrating of these Regions in the Enlargement process. An open dialogue with the competent autorities of the European Union and an exchange of experiences with the EU member Regions will enable the regional autorities concerned to gain information on the current state of negociations, to evaluate how well the Community acquis has been integrated their are avare of the EU system and to identify the best ways to reinforce their contribution to the process.
Under the Presidency of Luc Van den Brande, President of the AER, the Conference will be divided into two sessions: “the Regions and the EU enlargement” introduced by the European Commission’s Delegation in Warsow and “Eastern-Western’s Regional policies and East-West cooperation in the context of the EU enlargement” leds by the General Director of DG XVI and by the Minister-President of the Region of Salzburg. The VicePresident of the Committee of the Regions of the EU as well as the representatives from the main interregional organisations – CEMR, CPMR, AEBR – and the Presidents of the four thematic AER Committees will also give their contributions on both subjects.
Download the Conference’s Agenda:
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