Building on the strong partnership formed by the regions of the Regions4GreenGrowth INTERREG IVC project, the AER Working Group on Energy and Climate Change met with the members of this successful initiative, as well as EURISY, in Lyon (FR) in order to discuss with the potential opportunities for future cooperation in the field of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency, and the benefits satellite applications can bring to such projects.
In addition to setting a solid basis for future European projects, participants witnessed the impressive project of Rhône-Alpes (FR) to reshape the heart of Lyon – the district of Confluence – from industrial wasteland to a green, innovative and cultural residential area.
The possibility of drafting an AER Report led by Kenneth Backgard, Vice-President of Committee 1, and how to lower the European Region’s dependency on gas and oil though diversification was presented, allowing the first 5 regions to express their interest in the project: Norrbotten (SE), Abruzzo (IT), Hampshire (GB), Vojvodina (RS), Gelderland (NL).