The Youth Regional Network (YRN) has been officially selected to take part in the EU Youth Test at the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). The EESC will hold a first online kick-off meeting on the 3rd of September, gathering the youth organisations who will participate in the initiative. The meeting will represent the occasion to introduce the participants to the EESC, the EU Youth Test and their role in it. This meeting will be joined by Mathilde Colarte, YRN Chair for Youth Participation & Governance, who sucessfully submitted the YRN application to contribute to the EU Youth Test at the EESC.
Ms Colarte, originally from the AER member region of Wallonia, Belgium, shared the following:
“As a youth organisation, this is a unique opportunity to express our expertise and contribute to strengthening youth participation at European level. Since September 2022, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) has been implementing the EU Youth Test. This tool enables concrete consultation of young people in EU policy-making. Within this framework, the Youth Regional Network will be able to work on various opinions, i.e. policy recommendations for other EU institutions, on a variety of topics (social policy and social cohesion; external relations or the green transition). The Presidium of the Youth Regional Network is delighted to be an integral part of this project. Updates on our work will be provided on an ongoing basis.”
In January 2024, the Youth Regional Network published its Policy Recommendations for a more Democratic, Inclusive, Green, and Digital Europe, which included the “generalisation of youth impact assessment tools, such as the EU Youth Test”.
What is the EU Youth Test?
The EU Youth Test is an impact assessment tool which ensures that young people are considered when the EU is deciding on new policies and law. Thanks to the Youth Test, the EU aims at creating better, long-lasting and impactful policies forthe youth, while reducing inequalities and considering the needs of young people both today and in the future. The EU Youth Test is designed to evaluate the impact that any new proposals may have on young people in the EU and identify any mitigation measures necessary to avoid any negative impacts. The EU Youth Test supports the mainstreaming of youth by addressing the lack of involvement in policy fields that are not usually considered youth-related, e.g. sustainability, economic or infrastructure policies.
(source: European Youth Forum)
In January 2024, the European institutions (European Commission, European Parliament, Council, European Committee of the Regions, European Economic and Social Commmittee) adopted a joint communication on the European Year of Youth 2022, which included the mention of a EU Youth Test, following the recommendation from the European Youth Forum and a resolution from the European Parliament.
The Assembly of European Regions welcomes this initiative and the inclusion of the Youth Regional Network by the EESC in their introduction of the EU Youth Test.