Some of the adjectives I heard used to describe the Summer Academy in Øsfold were the words “mind-opening”, “emotion-filled”; not so common you may say for a week of conferences… But that’s just it, the Summer Academy is not just any “week of conferences”. The programme is minutely prepared to balance the different parts, to keep the participants on the move and to favour engagement and participation.
One workshop that seems to have thrived on these principles was the “Live your values” session, led by David Asplund (Västernorrland-SE). The workshop was designed to highlight the importance of finding and sharing what drives you as an individual. We all have unique (hi)stories and backgrounds and it is important not to jump to conclusions or to judge others on a few actions.
The participants had the opportunity to share and talk about their own values, giving each other space, time and respect to do just that. “This is how we become role models for one another” explained Mr Asplund. An inspiring and uplifting example came from a Swedish politician who spoke highly about her grandchildren, and her love for them. How valuable they are to her, and she did it with an indescribable passion. Another representative talked about respect, and how importance it is for people sharing one planet. Respect starts with respecting yourself and then respects towards one another.
When asked how he felt about the session, Mr Asplund confirmed “I was quite satisfied with the workshop. As a person using emotions in my rhetoric, seeing people laugh and cry makes me feel accomplished with my task in inspiring people. Although I guess the true feedback comes from after my speech. I was approached by several people saying that my speech was good. I also had people sharing with me their own stories despite not wanting to do so during the workshop, this makes me happy to see!”
David Asplund is an inspirational speaker on youth development from Sundsvall (SE).
The purpose of his presentations is to eliminate self-doubt, by increasing commitment in order to achieve ones goals.
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For a better understanding of how David works with companies, here is an example where is is doing CSR work