Vice President for Interregional cooperation and Mediterranean affairs
Albert Castellanos Maduell
Region: Catalonia (ES)
Seconded officer: Elena Herrero Perez
More information: Here
Interregional cooperation is the objective of AER. Furthermore, the Mediterranean offers huge opportunities and challenges to European regions.
During his mandate, the Vice President’s goals are to:
- Strengthen our involvement in organisations such as the Euro-Mediterranean regional and local assembly (ARLEM), the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR), the Association of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ASCAME), the GWOPA/UN-Habitat and the United Nations University–Institute for Globalization, Culture and Mobility.
- Ensure further synergy with the Global Taskforce of UCLG (United Cities and Local Governments) and its members who are AER partners (CEMR – Council of European Municipalities and Regions / ORU FOGAR – United Regions Organization / Forum of Regional Governments and Global Associations of Regions), and 4 Motors for Europe.
- Organise a Blue Economy Congress in Barcelona.