We are a network
Multiple times per year, AER brings together regions, so that they may stand stronger together, and grow in a space of best practice exchange.

- This event has passed.
[Sold out] Youth Regional Network – Capacity-building weekend in Koppang, Innlandet
22 September 2023 16:00 - 24 September 2023 14:00

Save the Date! The AER Youth Regional Network (YRN) will gather in Koppang (Innlandet County, Norway) for a capacity-building weekend with their members, from the 22nd to the 24th of September 2023!
The event is open to all members of the YRN, and to AER members working on youth issues, such as the Youth Coordinators in the regions / councils / provinces.
The event is coordinated by the YRN Presidium (President, Vice-President and Chairs of the Thematic Committees), and they have developed a very nice programme and arrangements for their members!
Practical Information
# Arrival day: Friday 22 September
This day will be dedicated to arrivals throughout the day and to getting to know each other in the end afternoon / evning.
If you travel by plane, the arrival airport will be Oslo. From there, you should take the train to Koppang (train RE10 / R60).
You can check the route and timetables on the Norwegian railway website here.
/!\ Koppang is in a rural area, so trains can be infrequent: make sure to plan your travel accordingly and to check the Norwegian railway website beforehand! In addition, because of the floods in Norway in August, some trains originally scheduled when we planned this event had to be cancelled, and some were substituted by replacement buses:
- For Friday 22 September (arrival day), make sure to check the Norwegian railway website to see what your travel options are from Oslo airport to Koppang. At the moment, there are trains departing from Oslo airport at 10:52 (RE10 to Hamar, then change for R60 to Koppang) and at 15:07 (direct R60 train from Oslo to Koppang). After that, the only options are RE10 train to Hamar, and change for a replacement bus from Hamar to Koppang. Make sure you will have enough time to change in Hamar. In the worst case scenario, the YRN Presidium has rented a car to pick up participants who may be stranded in Hamar (in case they miss the replacement bus for lack of time), but this should be a last-resort option.
- For Sunday 24 September (departure day), the very first train leaves from Koppang at 14.16 and arrives at Oslo airport at 16.32. You may want to plan an additional night in Oslo on Sunday 24 September after the event in Koppang, and depart the day after, depending on your flight options.
# Activities: Saturday 23 September (full day) and Sunday 24 September (morning)
# Departure day: Sunday 24 September.
Activities will be planned only in the morning to give time for participants to travel in the afternoon / evening.
Accommodation & Meals
All meals are covered from Friday dinner to Sunday lunch.
The participants will be accommodated at Stor-Elvdal Hotell (address: Kjemsjøveien 1, 2480 Koppang, Norway), [email protected].
The participants are expected to book and cover their accommodation themselves (selected participants will receive the hotel’s contact email). The prices are the following (and include breakfast):
Option 1: shared apartment with two bedrooms and a shared large bathroom. If there are 4 people in one apartment: the price is 575 NOK (around 52€) per night and per person. If there are 2 people in one partment (one in each bedroom): 1000 NOK (around 90€) per night and per person.
Option 2: hotel rooms. 1095 NOK (around 98€) per night and per person for a single room, 650 NOK (around 59€) for a double room, 600 NOK (around 54€) for a triple room.
Solidarity Fund
Young participants whose travel costs cannot be supported by their region, a regional council, a youth regional council, a youth organisation, etc., may apply to the YRN Solidarity Fund. If accepted, the AER/YRN and our host regions in Norway can cover up to 400€ of your travel and accommodation costs, as a reimbursement by bank transfer after your attendance to the entire event, and if you provide all necessary supportive documents (invoices, receipts, original boarding passes, train tickets, bus tickets). The reimbursement may exceed 400€ depending on the final number of participants. Please wait for a confirmation by the AER Secretariat and the YRN Presidium before making any travel arrangements.
How to attend the event?
Please fill in the application form by clicking on the button below. Please do not make any travel arrangements until your participation is confirmed by the YRN Presidium.
Who to contact?
Please contact the YRN Presidium at [email protected] for any question you may have.