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Multiple times per year, AER brings together regions, so that they may stand stronger together, and grow in a space of best practice exchange.

- This event has passed.
LINE-UP ANNOUNCED — Join our Bureau Debate on Sustainable Mobility & Connectivity — the Road to Recovery and the Green Transition
2 December 2021 13:20 - 14:50

Want to join online?*
***UPDATE*** — we are delighted to announce that completing our panel will be Mr Ciarán Cuffe, Member of the European Parliament’s Committees on Transport and Tourism and Industry, Research and Energy!
According to the European Parliament, transport accounts for 30% of the EU’s total emissions. If we are to keep global temperatures below 1.5C and achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, a change of gears is required to make our transport systems more efficient, less polluting and better value for money.
Local and regional authorities have a clear and important role in making mobility more sustainable and inclusive through their strategic planning, provision of transport infrastructure and services, support to technological innovation and incentives for green transport options. Yet, there is still a lack of financial and technical support to fulfil their potential in advancing sustainable mobility and connectivity.
That’s why as part of our Bureau meeting on 2 December, the AER is organising a debate on the role of local and regional authorities in building sustainable mobility systems.
The aim is to explore how local and regional authorities can help achieve the objectives set out in the the European Green Deal, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Climate Accords. At the same time, this debate will be a chance to discuss how these ambitious goals can be aligned with Europe’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
This debate will feed into to an AER position paper on sustainable mobility and connectivity by developing recommendations to improve regions’ contribution to economic growth, inclusive and sustainable development across Europe.
The debate will consider two key questions:
- How to make mobility more sustainable and improve connectivity across Europe, focusing on prosperity and environment?
- What is the role of local and regional authorities in making the transition to green, fair and sustainable mobility systems?
This interactive debate will bring together regional and European policymakers and experts. It includes an extended thirty-minute Q & A where participants will have the opportunity to share their views and insights with our expert panel. Don’t miss the chance to help shape AER’s work on sustainable transport!
Our line-up has been announced — stay tuned to find out who else will join our expert panel!
Moderator: Martin Tollén, Chair of the AER Working Group on Transport & Mobility, County Councillor in Östergötland (SE)
Alessandra Zedda, AER Vice President and Chair of the AER Task Force on Sustainable Mobility and Connectivity, and Vice President and Regional Minister for Labour, Vocational Training, Cooperation and Social Security, Autonomous Region of Sardinia (IT)
Ciarán Cuffe MEP, Member of the European Parliament’s Committees on Transport and Tourism and Industry, Research and Energy
Yuwei Li, Director of the UNECE Sustainable Transport Division of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Axel Volkery, Deputy Head of Unit Sustainable and Intelligent Transport, Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport, European Commission
Robert van Asten, Member of the European Committee of the Regions and Rapporteur of the Opinion “Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy”
*Note: Those who have registered for the AER Bureau already have the Zoom link and do not need to register.