We are a network
Multiple times per year, AER brings together regions, so that they may stand stronger together, and grow in a space of best practice exchange.

- This event has passed.
Biomass – Potential for Growth
16 November 2017 08:00 - 17 November 2017 17:00

In London, during the plenary session of the Committee 1 it was decided to include a conference on the topic on Biomass in the AER Action Plan for 2017/2018
The conference BIOMASS – POTENTIAL FOR GROWTHS will be held in Novi Sad (Serbia) on November 16th and 17th 2017.
According to the AER Action Plan, Assembly of AP Vojvodina is the host region of the Conference, and regions Värmland (Sweden) and Øppland (Norway) will be co-hosts, assigning speakers from their own region for the Conference. First day of the conference will have three sessions of lectures and exchanges of good practices.
On the second day there is a scheduled study visit to the Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment, visit to the Public Utility
Companies – Distant heating Plant Novi Sad and Zrenjanin and visit to Cogenerate plant in Čurug. Transfer will be provided by the organiser.
Goal of the Conference:
By concrete examples, exchange of good practices and expert lectures we aim to show the practical possibilities of production and usage of biomass in Europe, with a preview insight in the production in Vojvodina. We also aim to awaken the interest of individual agricultural farms, agricultural cooperatives and clusters and regional and local governments in the use of
this form of clean energy.
Our partners are the OECD Mission in Serbia and Central European Initiative, with expert lectures from representatives from World Bioenergy Association, State Ministries in Serbia, University in Novi Sad, co-host regions Värmland (Sweden) and Øppland (Norway) and The Environment Agency Austria, GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) and KfW (German government-owned development bank, Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau).
First draft of the Program of the Conference
Practical information for attending the event
Sanja Šifliš
Head of the Department for interregional cooperation – Vojvodina Region – Serbia
Tel: 021 487 44 31
Mob: +381 63 56 59 63