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Conference “Biomass: what are the best ways to use it?”
15 March 2016 11:00 - 15:00

The Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, in cooperation with the Assembly of European Regions (AER) would like to invite you to take part in the Conference Biomass: what are the best ways to use it? in which the topic of utilisation of clean energy sources will be considered through expert and practical examples, with particular focus on biomass potentials of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. The envisaged lectures and discussions will be designed as forums in which constructive dialogue between the practice and science will be initiated around researchers from the University of Novi Sad, experts form AER regions, financial sector and business community.
The participants will have an opportunity to engage in a thorough consideration of the biomass potentials. The Assembly of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina will be the place of great encounters of science and practice. Let us put more green energy on the map of European regions in order to foster eco-friendly development!
Please register via the website of AP Vojvodina.
Programme & speakers
- 10.00 Welcome and short introduction, Milivoj Vrebalov, vice-president of the Assembly of AP Vojvodina
- 10.10 Nenad Stanković, Provincial Secretary for energy and mineral resources: “Vojvodina and its biomass potentials – in short”
- 10.20 Dr. Hande Özsan Bozatli, president of the AER, introduction and official opening of the Conference
- 10.30 Prof Dr. Dusan Gvozdenac, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of technical sciences: “Use of natural resources and sustainable development”
- 11.00 Prof. dr Todor Janic, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture: “Use of agricultural residues for production of energy”
- 11.30 Eise Spijker, JIN Climate and Sustainability, Groningen (NL)
- 11.50 Erneszt Kovács, European Biogas Association, Brussels (BE)
- 12.10 Fahrudin Kulić, USAID EIA Project: “Biomass Energy potential in Bosnia and Herzegovina and production of electric energy from biomass”, Sarajevo (BiH)
- 12.30 Goran Vasić, general manager, Guarantee fund of AP of Vojvodina: “Financial possibilities for start-ups and promotion of biomass products”
- 12.50 Jovan Vujičić, Vojvodina Chamber of Commerce: “Possibilities for businesses related to biomass production – system approach”
- 13.10 experience from Vojvodina: “Terming” Company
- 13.20 experience from Vojvodina: “MiVa Eco-pellet” Company
- 13.40 Prof. Vladimir Crnojević PhD, BioSense Institute, University of Novi Sad
- 14.00 Q&A and discussion
- 14:20 formulating conclusions
- 14.35 Lunch for participant