Istanbul, 25 March 2010 Turkey is paving the way for women entrepreneurship. The Assembly of European Regions (AER) has held a conference in Istanbul with the objective of advising regional politicians and officers on their policy on women entrepreneurship. The conference has examined this issue from a practical perspective by presenting relevant studies and examples of … [Read more...]
You will find in this section all the articles published in our news section on our home page.
Cohesion Policy and Europe 2020: AER challenges EU decisions to affect Europe for the next 10 years
Alba (RO), 16 March 2010. 110 representatives from 39 regions across 15 countries met for the plenary session of the Committee ‘Economy and Regional Development’ of the Assembly of European Regions (AER), which took place in the Alba County (Romania). Together, they reviewed the AER‘s strategy in to relation to cohesion policy and agreed on what European regions should … [Read more...]
How to foster sustainable tourism in the regions: Regions work concretely together in PRESERVE
Alba (RO), 17 March 2010. Today, almost 200 delegates gathered in Alba County (RO) to discuss tourism in the regions and the role played by the sector in Europe’s economic and social development. Tourism is an essential element in regional economies: it represents 4% of the European Union GDP and 12% of European workforce, and counts two millions companies. With the … [Read more...]
With their Ile-de-France Statement, Regions bring the EU toward post-Kyoto
Meeting for the first time since Copenhagen, world’s leading Regions gather in view of the 16th Conference of the Parties in Mexico Paris (F), 4 March 2010. The main leaders of Regions and Federated states, as well as the main regional networks met today in Paris on the invitation of the Ile-de-France Region (F) and the Climate group. Together, in line with the … [Read more...]
AER Innovation Award: Kick off of the 5th edition
Strasbourg, 22 February 2010 Today, the Assembly of European Regions (AER) launches its 5th Innovation Award. Since 2006, AER awards Europe’s most innovative regions. In 2009, the Regions of Slaskie (P) and Västra Götaland (S) have received this prestigious prize from the hands of AER President Michèle Sabban. “These regions symbolise Europe’s future: they identified … [Read more...]
ECREIN+ European interregional cooperation to strengthen eco-innovation
Uppsala (S), 19 February 2010. The Assembly of European Regions (AER) participated these days in the kick off event of a new European interregional cooperation project, aiming at fostering eco-innovation. ECREIN+ (European Clusters and Regions for Eco-Innovation Network Plus) is an Interreg IVC project led by the region Rhône-Alpes (F), to which AER is a partner. The kick-off … [Read more...]
The Black Sea Conference of Regions: water and sustainable tourism
AER initiates a new approach at the territorial level to find solutions to the major problems faced by the Black Sea area Paris (F), 16 February 2010. For the first time, the Assembly of European Regions (AER) has gathered over 60 politicians and regional representatives of the Black Sea outline at Ile-de-France (F), among with some experts, to discuss two major areas of … [Read more...]
Communicating the European Citizens’ Initiative: Regions contribute to make Europe more democratic
Brussels, 12 February 2010. The Assembly of European Regions’ (AER) debated yesterday the new European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) introduced by the Lisbon Treaty, which sets the frame for a new form of direct democracy and public participation in European Union policy shaping. According to Johannes W. Pichler, Professor for European Law at the University of Graz and … [Read more...]
The AER welcomes the Barroso Commission II and gives proposals for further cooperation
Strasbourg (F), 10 February 2010. The Assembly of European Regions (AER) welcomes the new Barroso Commission, approved by the European Parliament. The new college of European Commissioners will shape European policy making for the next 5 years (until October 2014). “On behalf of AER, I extend a special welcome to Johannes Hahn, the new Commissioner for Regional Policy. … [Read more...]
ALEC2010: First international conference on Regions’ e-he@lth
Luleå - Norrbotten (S), 5 February 2010. The Assembly of European Regions’ (AER) e-he@lth network has organised the first international e-he@lth conference that targets directly the regions and their partners. Over 200 regional politicians, officers, university experts and entrepreneurs from across Europe have come to the Arctic Light E-health Conference (ALEC2010) in … [Read more...]
EU 2020: Regions and businesses together for growth and innovation
The Assembly of European Regions (AER) and EUROCHAMBRES, representing European regions and businesses, gathered today regional and business representatives for a discussion on the European Commission’s “EU2020” strategy proposal, which is to succeed the current “growth and jobs” agenda. “Together, we want to bring into this debate some key elements which we believe … [Read more...]
Big build-up, fizzle finish? Regions pledge to save the hopes of Copenhagen
In spite of the failure of the Copenhagen Summit to deliver a long term agreement, the Assembly of European Regions and its member regions pledge to pursue their efforts in the struggle against climate change “Although we expected this result, we are very disappointed about the outcome of the Copenhagen Conference. Heads of State have really missed on a unique … [Read more...]
Regions’ message at Copenhagen: we can’t wait, it’s time to act!
The Assembly of European Regions and key actors push forward the fight against climate change Copenhagen (DK), 15 December 2009 In the framework of the different activities organised by local authorities in parallel to the 15th Conference of Parties in Copenhagen, the Climate Group gathered for its “leaders’ summit” in Copenhagen a panel of international … [Read more...]
Assembly of European Regions partners with “R20” group to fight the climate change
Copenhagen (DK), 15 December 2009. Just two weeks after the “Belfort Appeal” – a clarion call to raise awareness of the role played by regions and federal states in the fight against climate change – the Assembly of European Regions (AER) has announced yesterday its support of the “R20” declaration in Copenhagen and will bring expertise and know-how to this new … [Read more...]
Youth Employment in Times of Economic Crisis
The Assembly of European Regions (AER) and European youth join forces in Paris to find new solutions Paris (F), 11 December 2009 Over 100 young people from 53 regions and 26 countries have gathered in Paris for the third meeting of the Assembly of European Regions’ (AER) Youth Regional Network (YRN). During the two-day meeting hosted by Disneyland Paris, young … [Read more...]
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