The Youth Regional Network (YRN) is launching a call for committed and motivated young people
from all across Europe.
Created by the Assembly of European Regions in 2008, the Youth Regional Network (YRN) is a
cross-regional youth platform, promoting active youth participation at regional level. Composed of
regional-level youth councils, parliaments and organizations in AER’s network and membership, it
provides young people with an opportunity to express policy recommendations, to foster debate and
capacity-building, to exchange good practices, to reach out to decision-makers and to influence
policies. The YRN is a unique forum for young people from diverse regions to raise their voice
collectively, while introducing a European dimension to youth policy in those regions.
The YRN has its own Presidium, structured with: a President, two Vice Presidents and Chairs of the
Thematic Committees; Youth Participation, Gender Equality & Women’s Empowerment and Mental
Health. Members contribute to one of the committees mentioned. In the upcoming YRN General
Assembly, if a member has contributed for at least two months, they have a right to vote or be a
candidate for the Presidium.
Membership in the YRN is a voluntary commitment. It requires a varying time commitment
(approximately around 8-10 hours per month), depending on the plans, assignments, activities and
events at hand. YRN members must be able to dedicate all the necessary efforts and commitment
for the entire duration of their one year mandate.
If you are a young person (18-30 years old), living anywhere in Europe with ideas and motivation to
improve young people’s life and empower them then we encourage you to apply and be one of the
changemakers that will join us.
YRN Members shall:
– Identify concerns, needs, challenges, and priorities of youth in their communities, and address
them by proposing possible actions and initiatives to be taken by and with the Youth Regional
– Support the Presidium in integrating youth perspectives in its programmatic planning
and activities.
– Participate regularly in the committee meetings.
– Promote YRN values, through different communication channels and activities.
The YRN is looking for applicants who fulfil the following criteria:
– The applicant must be a European citizen of 18-30 years old.
– The applicant must be a highly motivated young person with ideas on how youth can
actively participate in the society.
– The applicant must be able to express views effectively in both oral and written forms
in English.
– The applicant must be able to work in a multicultural environment.
– The applicant must possess teamwork skills and be able to collaborate.
– The applicant must possess the necessary time to participate actively in all assignments, activities
and events.
Young people that comply with the criteria and are currently living in rural areas are highly
encouraged to apply.
Individuals from all genders, places of origin/residence, ethnicities, religions, and professional/
academic as well as socio- economic backgrounds are encouraged to apply.
– Part of a large network with young people from all over Europe.
– Attend local and international events.
– Have the space to express your voice and ideas to implement initiatives for young people.
– Receive a letter of recommendation by the AER.
– Based on performance, a member may receive the “Most Active YRN member” award.
All interested candidates should apply online, completing the application form:
The application must be completed entirely in English.
Selected applicants will be notified within 15 working days from the application deadline.
If selected, you will receive a membership certificate, which you have to present if needed. The
membership certificate stands as a proof of your membership to the YRN.
For more information about the call not included here, please contact: [email protected]