In a world full of noise, we want to make your voice heard. Take part in the MEET Intergenerational Debate at the AER Winter Dialogues in Sankt Pölten, Lower Austria!
What are the AER Winter Dialogues and how can I be involved as a young European citizen?
Hosted in the Lower Austrian capital of Sankt Pölten on 29 and 30 November 2023, the two-day event will include a number of activities, culminating in the third MEET Intergenerational Debate on the Future of Europe. This debate will explore the role of active citizenship and youth participation in shaping a more democratic, inclusive and sustainable future for our continent, with a focus on the opportunities coming from the New Green Deal and its implementation in different parts of Europe, such as urban areas. Find out more about the MEET Debate here.
The MEET project (Mobilise Europe = Engage Together) is funded by the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV) of the European Commission and led by the European Youth Forum (YFJ), in partnership with the AER. Ahead of the 2024 European elections, the MEET project aims at offering space for diverse groups of European citizens to discuss Europe at local and regional level. The MEET Regional Debates aim at creating space to make youth voices heard and to foster intergenerational debate between young people and politicians.
The AER is looking for young individuals interested in taking part in the MEET Intergenerational Debate. If you are intrigued by the future of Europe and would like to contribute to a discussion surrounding the many factors that affect the quality of life on the continent, this is the perfect event for you.
Participant Eligibility
- 18-30 years old
- Living in wider Europe (due to funding rules, only EU residents can benefit from the Solidarity Fund. Non-EU residents are still welcome to participate in the event)
- Priority will be given to members of the YRN, and to members of youth councils or youth organisations willing to join the AER’s Youth Regional Network. (The Youth Regional Network (YRN) is a cross-regional youth platform, promoting active youth participation at regional level. Composed of regional-level youth councils, parliaments and organisations in AER’s network and membership, it provides young people with an opportunity to express policy recommendations, to foster debate and capacity-building, to exchange good practices, to reach out to decision-makers and to influence policies.)
- We will also consider applications from other regions, but priority is given to young people from our member regions.
Solidarity Fund
Young participants whose travel costs cannot be supported by their region, a regional council, a youth regional council, a youth organisation, etc., may apply to the AER Solidarity Fund. If accepted, the AER can cover up to 250€ of your travel and accommodation costs, as a reimbursement by bank transfer after your attendance to the entire event, and if you provide all necessary supportive documents (invoices, receipts, original boarding passes, train tickets, bus tickets). The reimbursement may exceed 250€ depending on the final number of participants. Please wait for a confirmation by the AER Secretariat before making any travel arrangements.
Accommodation and Travel
Participants in the Winter Dialogues are in charge of booking their own accommodation and travel arrangements. Those staying in Sankt Pölten will enjoy a preferential rate. Bookings must be done by 31.10.2023 in order for the preferential rate to be applied. Other hotels are also available in the area for those not interested in this offer.
Young participants are welcome to attend the networking dinner organised on 30 November.
Deadline to Apply
Please send in your application by filling the application form, no later than 08.11.2023.
Please fill in the application form by clicking on the button below. Please do not make any travel arrangements until your participation is confirmed by the AER Secretariat.
Contact Us
Please contact the AER Secretariat at t.nicolaescu@aer.eu or m.dejong@aer.eu for any questions you may have.